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Controls can be customized in Settings!
Zoom in/out with the mouse wheel. Don't forget to zoom to get a general overview of the map. Zoom in as necessary for a closer look. The map can also be rotated. Hold “R” and move the the mouse or hold the middle mouse button down to rotate the map.
Click units to select them. For movable units like weapons, a move ghost will appear. When it is green, you can click to order the unit to move to that location. You can multi-select units by dragging a box around them, by double-clicking a unit (to select nearby units of the same type), or by holding down Shift while you click to select additional units of the same or different type.
More complete controls and a list of customizable keyboard shortcuts are in
The top left side of the UI is where players can monitor their resources and build units.
This is where you can monitor your energy status.
The Info button to the top right can be clicked and provides information on gameplay and units.
This is where you can build your units. There are six tabs of units (Struct, Weapon etc…), and each tab can contain up to 9 units. If there are more than 6 units in a tab, arrows will be displayed on top and bottom that can be used to scroll the panel.
Each unit button displays a picture, the name of the unit, the resource type used for construction (to the left) and the resource type used as ammo (to the right). For example, Sprayer uses 30 energy to build, and uses AC to fire.
To the right are two buttons - Factory and ERN Portal. These buttons can be used to build these structures. Once built, they will display helpful information on their current status. For the Factory, the button displays current resources stored, and then current resource income (for Arg and Anticreeper) or current amount of Greenar that can be mined from crystals (for Liftic). For the ERN Portal, current ERN placement inside the portal is displayed, as well as how many ERN Crystal's are unassigned and ready to use (AVAIL) and buried in the ground and need uncovering (BURIED).
The bottom left side of the UI displays a few informational panels.
Displays terrain height and Creeper/Anti-Creeper value on the cell under mouse cursor (in Screenshot 2, terrain height on the cell under cursor is 6, and there's 2.1 of Creeper on it). The UPS value displays the game's current logical framerate (Updates Per Second). Directly under UPS are the coordinates of the cell under mouse cursor (X36 Y79 in Screenshot 2).
Displays a graph of total Creeper and Anti-Creeper from the last minute of the game. Total, Delta and Cover are tabs that can be clicked on, which toggle different visibility for the graph. Total displays the total volume of Creeper/AC in the level, Delta displays the change (positive or negative) in Creeper/AC at each step, and Cover displays total terrain coverage. Creeper graph is drawn with a blue line, whereas AC graph is drawn with a gray one. In top left and top right of this UI panel is the total amount of Creeper and Anti-Creeper currently present in the level. Red 'explosion' markers indicate a unit destroyed by Creeper (blue/green if the unit was unfinished). Pointing to the marker shows the name of the unit and displays a purple indicator pointing to the location of the destroyed unit.
Displays information on the current status of the Creeper Cutoff point, if one is set. In this case, if the average Creeper per cell reaches OFF status (3.5 in Screenshot 2), most Creeper emission based features (e.g. Emitters, Creeper Breeder) stop producing. They will start producing again once the average Creeper per cell goes back down (0.6 in Screenshot 2).
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