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Emitters create Creeper. Emitters can be disabled with a Nullifier.

Emitters have Emit Power and Interval. Interval means how often an Emitter will emit, and Emit Power means the amount of Creeper that will be created. An interval of 30 means an Emitter emits every 1 second, 60 means every 2 seconds etc.

An Emitter occupies 9 cells underneath. Emitters spawn Creeper evenly on 8 cells underneath, with 1 cell ignored each time at random. Each emission, the entire Emit Power value, divided by 8, is added to 8 cells underneath.

Some worlds may feature a global Creeper limit. This limit is shown as a bar, to the right of the Creeper graph in bottom left of the screen. When the bar reaches OFF, the global limit is reached and all Emitters will no longer emit. As Creeper is fought, the bar will lower, allowing Emitters to emit again.

The Emitter has editable attributes, which can be modified using the map editor:

Emit Amt: Amount of creeper emitted every interval. The amount is split between 8 tiles directly underneath the emitter, with 1 tile ignored at random.

Emit Delay: The amount of time, in either frames or seconds, between creeper emissions.

Start Delay: The amount of time, in either frames or seconds, from the moment the map is first unpaused to the very first emission.


cw4/info/emitter.1627498682.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/07/28 14:58 by Mysterymaster