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Screenshot 1. Creeper++ UI in the middle top of the screen. This screenshot indicates a current Creeper++ multiplier of 1x, with 20x being the maximum, and 5 minutes until the next strength increase. At 10x, Nullifiers stop working.
Screenshot 2. Creeper++ settings in the editor, in the Game tab.


Creeper++ is an optional mission parameter that causes Emitters to produce more Creeper over time. Note that a player works against this parameter not towards it, and it often causes a race for time.

In order to enable Creeper++, the map creator must change Creeper++ Time from 0 to a different value that indicates the interval between Emitter strength increases (Screenshot 2). After the initial delay elapses, indicated by the Creeper++ Grace setting, Creeper++ will start.

Creeper++ always starts at 1x, and each strength increase increments the multiplier by 1. The maximum multiplier Emitters will reach is indicated by the Creeper++ Max setting.

Lastly, the Creeper++ Null Off setting can be set, which indicates the Creeper++ multiplier that must be reached for the player's Nullifiers to permanently stop working. This can be useful for missions that require completion of the Hold objective, to prevent the player from managing to Nullify every Emitter in the level, and then just waiting out the timer.


cw4/info/creeper_plus_plus.1671104191.txt.gz · Last modified: 2025/02/14 14:56 (external edit)