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qople - Multimap (WIP)

canonical link to CPACK - where to get the author-maintained version

Multimap is a campaign editor meant to be usable by people with no knowledge of scripting. That said, there are still some things that should be known before using it.

Editor controls

In the editor, the level map is toggled with a button. Multimap operates differently in the editor than it does in a finalized map. Mainly, the level map at the bottom is replaced by a button. Clicking this button toggles the level map, which will save the current map and allow you to add levels and transitions from the custom build tab.

Because of this, a map must be finalized to playtest it.

Tips, Warnings and Limitations

  • As of version 1.4.8, switching maps does not update the creeper rendering, even though it is properly removed by the script. Turning off smooth creeper in game settings fixes this.
  • Nullify objectives are not compatible with overloading emitters. If not enough nullifiable units are left to reach the objective's goal, it becomes unobtainable.
  • Reclaim objectives work based on total creeper rather than coverage, so progress can only be made on these objectives after creeper goes below the cutoff.

List of Units (CMODS) in this CPACK

cw4/cpack/docs/8a6ac9be-ba98-41ae-8bf3-a61783b84cad.1621627083.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/05/21 15:58 by qople