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The V-Tesla IS CONTAINED IN A SEPARATE CPACK AND MUST BE INSTALLED SEPARATELY WHEN MAKING A MAP! It is provided at the same download location of the VAU CPACK and has been designed to work fine with all features of the VAU CPACK.
What happens when you are a scientist in a society that has basically mastered all of science to the point where testing in a lab involves too little variables and it is better to just throw concepts out the window, into the open world, and take notes on how everything within the laws of the universe interact? You get this thing.
-Bored scientist: “Say, you know, tesla systems that zap things are cool and fancy. Best point-defense, a great display of physics at work, and a good challenge to make in any stretch of the imagination operational within the standards of Vertu military quality mandates. Lets make a giant tesla ball that contains so much energy IT GLOWS!”
-Other bored scientist: “Hell yeah! Nothing else to do so I am allll in on this!”
And here we are now with a big ball of shinny zap zap.
The V-Tesla uses the same amount of energy per shot as the sniper and deals the same damage.