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V-Reactor [V-Power CPack]

Color key:

  • Blue involves Play.As.Creeper. Look there for info on how to alter the V-Reactor to be more PAC friendly.
  • Green involves the “uncontained V-Grid power”. This number is the most important number in the V-Power CPack and is THE limiter of what you can do with V-Power as a player.
  • Any other colors specifically involve an equally as specific “thing” of the V-Reactor that is very worth noticing and mentioning.

The V-Reactor is the core of the V-Grid power network. Without it, the V-Grid does not exist. It will produce 20 energy by default.. very.. default… This number will change a lot from many things. But so long as the V-Reactor exists and is connected to the Rift Lab it WILL produce energy in some manner which includes drawing energy.

Basic properties

  • Produces 20 energy by default at neutral efficiency, 22.5 with full Energy ERN Port efficiency.
  • Can have energy production increased by V-Rods.
  • Costs 325 Lithic to build.
  • 8 HP.
  • Creates 25 uncontained V-Grid power, having a maximum tolerance of 40.
  • The closer the amount of uncontained V-Grid power is to 0, the more efficient the V-Reactor becomes. The further from 0, the less efficient.

Dangerous properties

  • Explodes in a meltdown upon critical failure from critical damage that will stun and damage surrounding units (killing anything not extremely tough within the main explosion radius) as well as COMPLETLY vaporizing ALL Creeper in the area. Including Anti-Creeper!
  • The V-Reactor sustains significant damage when overburdened during a brownout1), the most of all the V-Buildings.
  • The V-Reactor experiences overloads from going over the uncontained V-Grid power limit. This will kill the Reactor VERY QUICKLY but doesn't affect the other V-Buildings of the grid. To disable, set “CAN_OVERLOAD” to 0 (1=true, 0=false).
  • If the uncontained V-Grid power reaches too deep within the negatives the V-Reactor will begin draining energy instead of producing energy. When the V-Reactor(s) start to drain energy, the V-Grid will begin to meltdown, the most potentially lethal scenario. This meltdown harms ALL V-Buildings but the damage sustained by the V-Buildings is proportionate to the amount of energy being drained by the V-Reactor(s). The more energy being drained and the more V-Reactors, the more damage V-Buildings will take. The amount of damage sustained from a V-Grid meltdown can be many times more than from an overload, capable of destroying all V-Buildings in seconds. To disable, set “V_GRID_CAN_MELTDOWN” to 0. This is by far the most non-PAC-friendly part of the V-Reactor as it will destroy the PAC base and it's energy production by having the V-Reactor(s) (and most other V-Buildings) explode and also explode everything around them while they are exploding. All of this from the lack of management of the V-Grid.

Advanced properties

  • The V-Reactor experiences various levels of efficiency depending on how much uncontained V-Grid power is within the V-Grid. The closer uncontained V-Grid power is to zero, the more efficient. The further from zero, the less efficient. However, beware of efficiency when going below 0 as efficiency will quickly drop compared to when having more uncontained V-Grid power. To disable, set “UCVGP_INFLUANCES_EFFICIENCY” to 0.
  • The V-Reactor has a massive UI-description that can tell you everything you need to know for how to manage, maintain, and efficiently use the V-Reactor.

All the numbers used here are the vanilla/base version of the CPack. They can be changed at any time by any map maker.

This link will take you to the forum page that heavily covers the V-Power CPack and all it's units. Including the CPack download.


A brownout is when a power-grid demands more energy than is available, resulting in damage to electrical equipment as the electric current is strained to the point of burning any non-resistant thing that it flows through, including the wires themselves at times. All items on the electrical circuit are also strained for power. A lightbulb on a circuit experiencing a brownout will struggle to shine brightly, regularly dimming and brightening with the flow of the electric current.
cw4/cmod/docs/9966395a-9a1b-4f41-92ad-ebd27d1263d0.1648491106.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/03/28 14:11 by Vertu