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V-Reactor [V-Power CPack]

The V-Reactor is the core of the V-Grid power network. Without it, the V-Grid does not exist. It will produce 20 energy by default.. very.. default… This number will change a lot from many things. But so long as it exists and is connected to the Rift Lab it WILL produce energy.

  • Produces 20 energy by default, 25 with full Energy ERN Port efficiency.
  • Can have energy production increased by V-Rods. +0.25 Gen per rod.
  • The V-Reactor experiences various levels of efficiency depending on how much uncontained V-Grid power is within the V-Grid. The closer uncontained V-Grid power is to zero, the more efficient. However, beware of going below 0 as efficiency will quickly drop.
  • Costs 325 Lithic to build.
  • 8 HP.
  • Explodes in an explosion that will stun surrounding units and heavily damage nearby units (killing anything not extremely tough) in the explosion as well as COMPLETLY vaporizing ALL Creeper in the area. Including Anti-Creeper!
  • Creates 25 uncontained V-Grid power.
  • Can experience overloads from going over the uncontained V-Grid power limit. This will kill the Reactor VERY QUICKLY but doesn't affect the other V-Buildings of the grid.
  • The V-Reactor sustains significant damage when overburdened during a brownout, the most of all the V-Buildings.

All numbers here are the vanilla/base version. They can be changed at any time by any map maker.

This link will take you to the forum page that heavily covers the V-Power CPack and all it's units.


cw4/cmod/docs/9966395a-9a1b-4f41-92ad-ebd27d1263d0.1646879299.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/03/09 21:28 by Vertu