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V-Reactor [V-Power CPack]

The V-Reactor is the core of the V-Grid power network. Without it, the V-Grid does not exist. It will produce 20 energy by default so long as it exists and is connected to the Rift Lab.

  • Produces 20 energy by default, 30 with full Energy ERN Port efficiency.
  • Can have energy production increased by V-Rods. +0.25 Gen per rod.
  • Costs 325 Lithic to build.
  • 8 HP.
  • Explodes in an explosion that will stun surrounding units and heavily damage nearby units in the explosion as well as COMPLETLY vaporizing ALL Creeper in the area. Including Anti-Creeper!
  • Creates 25 uncontained V-Grid power.
  • Can experience overloads from going over the uncontained V-Grid power limit.

All numbers are the vanilla/base version. They can be changed at any time by any map maker.

This link will take you to the forum page that heavily covers the V-Power CPack and all it's units.


cw4/cmod/docs/9966395a-9a1b-4f41-92ad-ebd27d1263d0.1645667687.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/02/23 20:54 by Vertu