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The Arc of the moral universe is long,
but bends toward justice.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
20th Century, 1st C.E.

By the year 13271 in the first Common Era,
humans had spread into a great galactic empire.

All they had achieved ended when the Creeper arrived.

Thousands of worlds were destroyed by an unknown enemy.
Yet, a small group of less than 50 thousand humans survived.
Their impossible journey ended in the destruction of the
enemy Nexus and the founding of a new, sole human colony.

Thirty years later, the enemy returned.
Yet again humanity held back the darkness.
A peace that would endure for many millenia was created.
But like all things crafted by human hands, it was not to last.

Again and again the Creeper would return.
Eons would pass between each culling.
Empires would rise and fall, each more brilliant than the last.
But no matter how great humanity became, it would always succumb.

Through it all, one man slept.
His journey on the first great exodus was not to be his last.
Guarded and watched over for billions of years,
his time to awaken has come.

Now, when the last of the great human empires has
slipped away into the night…

The sleeper awakens.


Skars… wake up.


Skarsgard Abraxis:
Uh… where… wha? wait a minute, who are you?

I'll keep the ship lights very low. You have slept for a very long time. My name is Lia.

Skarsgard Abraxis:
I don't know any 'Lia'. The last thing I remember is Platius laughing and saying, 'Fortuna favet fatuis'. Where am I, where is Platius, and who are you?

Slowly… Platius created me shortly after he placed you in suspended animation. I was your guardian for the eons that passed. I have watched over and protected you for many cycles.

I am part of this ship we are on. We have been in orbit around a stable singularity for many eons… hiding from all that transpired.

Skarsgard Abraxis:
Just how many eons?

It is difficult to measure because of the expansion of space, the rift space cataclysm, variations in various cosmological constants….

Skarsgard Abraxis:
Quit stalling, just a round figure….

Over 5 billion earth standard years.

Skarsgard Abraxis:
my Gods….


I'm sorry Skars…. All I know is that 'now' is when i was to awaken you. I, and this ship, are now at your disposal. My only instructions from this point forward are to follow your commands.

Skarsgard Abraxis:
None of this makes any sense, or even seems possible. But, I long ago abandoned the concept of 'impossible', so let's take a look. Ship's sensors indicate we are no longer orbiting a singularity…

Correct, I warped the ship to a nearby star system to begin the reactivation process. Unfortunately, there appears to be a warp inhibitor in this system so we are stuck here till you do something about it.

Skarsgard Abraxis:
Warp? Inhibitor?

Move the ship to 'Tempus'… the world without a shield. Then launch ground activities. I'll explain more once there…

Inceptus : Tempus

Excellent… this world should suffice for demonstrating the core capabilities of the ship.

Skarsgard Abraxis:
There's a Creeper Emitter here!

Yes, I'm afraid so. Much has happened while you slept. Dozens of human civilizations rose and fell, each trying ever more desperate measures as the Creeper would always return.

The last whispers of the final civilization haven't been heard in many thousands of years. As far as my sensors can ascertain, only ruins remain.

Skarsgard Abraxis:
(Why was I forced to sleep through this all… only to awaken to utter desolation?)

Strange… This world seems to contain some manner of pod. Technological remnants are rare, so I would investigate. Follow the ships automated assistance system, and acquire that pod…

Inceptus : Carcere

Excellent… That pod from planet Tempus contained a shield key for this planet. Obtaining it allowed us to lower the shield and access this planet.

Skarsgard Abraxis:
Entire planets shielded? This must have been some desperate attempt to defend against the Creeper.

One that sadly failed. The human civilization that developed this shielding technology had high hopes. They accomplished many great and magnificent feats. But the end came for them just like all the others…

Skarsgard Abraxis:
There is a large structure here. This must be the Warp Inhibitor?

Yes, these inhibitors restrict warp travel to other systems. We need to destroy this inhibitor so we can leave this system. Destroying the Inhibitor will destroy all other enemies on the map.

Skarsgard Abraxis:
Why would the Creeper, or Loki build Warp Inhibitors?

They did not. I recommend acting quickly and getting us out of here Skars. No world is ever safe for long…


Skarsgard Abraxis:
This 'warp' travel is strange to me…

Yes, you only ever knew traveling through Rift Space. Rift Space was sealed many millennia ago in an attept to stop the Creeper menace from returning.

Unfortunately, it did not work. The Creeper arrived in vessels that could bend the fabric of space-time. Eventually, the few survivors of successive civilizations developed their own warp technology.

But no matter how strong and advanced each civilization grew, the Creeper would always eventually return.

Skarsgard Abraxis:
But this ship was constructed before those events. Platius must have known about warp travel and that this ship would need it.

Yes, but… things weren't that simple. For now concentrate on gaining access to Starsync. That's where the Warp Inhibitor is in this system.

Skarsgard Abraxis:
I see it at 'Starsync' but it is shielded…. The threat these people faced must have been truly terrifying. Looks like Telos is our only option. I'll fly the ship there and initiate ground actions.

Abitus : Telos

will format later

Lia: Telos… this is a world that has been silent for over 100 thousand earth standard years. –

Abraxis: Lia, do you have any additional information about why I was brought to this time? It seems as if the Creeper has destroyed everything we ever worked to save… –

Lia: I only have the star map we are following. If more information is available, it is locked away and inaccessible in my gel circuits. –

Abraxis: (Perhaps this is my punishment. Perhaps I died many years ago… could this be the mythological cursed realm of Helheim my ancestors believed in? Impossible…)

Lia: Skars, there is a Reactor Tech Artifact on this world. Pick that up as soon as possible. We can use it to generate energy in confined regions.

Abraxis: I see there is also a shield key here. I'll destroy the three emitters and collect that key…

Abitus : Far York

Abraxis: 'Far York'… I know this place. –

Lia: You no doubt remember one epoch of this world. Far York was a mighty world and served as the center of commerce for 13 different civilizations. –

Abraxis: It's nothing but cratered ruins now. –

Lia: Toward the end of its final occupation, the surviving humans scorched the planet with orbital mass drivers. It was an effort to… I suppose it doesn't matter now. –

Lia: Scanners show a Mortar Tech Artifact on this world. That should prove very useful against the emitters in the craters. –

Abraxis: Why isn't this ship already equipped with this weapon technology? –

Lia: It once was, but many things happened over the course of billions of years. This ship isn't the original, I have had to reconstruct and rebuild it many times. Each reconstruction was performed carefully and slowly, so as to not be discovered. –

Abraxis: I'll ask more about that later. For now, lets take out these emitters and pick up that shield key. –

Abitus : Starsync

Lia: At last, we have access to the Inhibitor in this system. Unfortunately, this world is a disaster. –

Abraxis: What happened here!?! –

Lia: It appears terrible weapons were used that ripped the world apart. As you are seeing, humanity went to every extreme in its fight with the Creeper. –

Abraxis: The nightmare these people must have experienced… unimaginable. –

Lia: I'm not sure what approach would be best here Skars…. wait, I detect two Tech Artifacts. Excellent…. –

Abraxis: I see them on the scanners. Ore Miner and Sprayer? –

Lia: Yes, build ore mines on those ore deposits you see. They will send ore to the Command Node. From there, it will be processed into Anti-Creeper. –

Abraxis: Ahhh yes, Anti-Creeper. It was my daughter Alia…. (sigh) It was my daughter Aliana, who unlocked the secrets of Anti-Creeper long ago. –

Abraxis: I assume the Sprayer will deliver Anti-Creeper to the battlefield? –

Lia: [Temporarily Offline. Gel Maintenance in process.] –

Abraxis: Maintenance? Now? Looks like some things have not changed in 5 billion years… I'll get right to work on taking out this Inhibitor while you perform 'maintenance' on your gel circuits.

Lia: This is the Navox system. The worlds here have varied histories. –

Abraxis: It seems that Flick and Tiplex are both shielded but the other three worlds are not. –

Lia: Correct. You have a choice as to how to proceed. Scanners show various artifacts scattered across the worlds. So the order you visit the worlds will determine what technologies we acquire first. –

Abraxis: Tiplex is where the Inhibitor is, but it appears to require multiple shield keys. That world must have been more important than others… –

Lia: Choose one of the three worlds and engage ground operations. I'll explain what I know of each world in turn… –

Abraxis: Barren… this world has seen better days. –

Lia: Yes, a very long time ago Jojo was a world with great mountains and vast oceans. Humans across the vastness of time would visit this world for the beauty it offered. –

Abraxis: And now it's a gray rock in space, with wait… What are those strange Towers? –

Lia: In the south there are three Spore Towers, along with three emitters. Fortunately, there is a Beam Tech Artifact on the central island. –

Abraxis: Aerial Spores…. Coincidence? On the first world we encounter with Spores there is also a technology to defend against the Spores? –

Abraxis: This is all so similar to the original exodus of Odin City. I always believed Platius had placed the artifacts we found on our journey… –

Lia: I have no record of Platius since I was constructed. If he was present over the eons, he was very well hidden. –

Abraxis: I see. I'll collect that Beam Tech Artifact and construct several Beam units to defend our base. That should protect the units while I take out the emitters and towers. –

Lia: Oh My… this world is Ormos. It was occupied by the very last human civilization. That civilization went to extreme and extraordinary measures to survive the Creeper. –

Abraxis: I don't understand why so many civilizations would rise and fall. How was the Creeper always able to return? –

Lia: Patience. Extreme patience. When a civilization has existed for hundreds of thousands, even millions of years with no hint of the Creeper, it forgets. –

Abraxis: So the Loki would just wait? After eons had passed, they would send the Creeper again? –

Lia: That was one component to their strategy… Skars, this world was altered during the final conflict. It was a military outpost specifically designed to withstand the Creeper. –

Abraxis: Scanners show no emitters on this world. It must have worked somehow! –

Lia: So they thought. There are no emitters but there is still Creeper. It is trapped inside a subspace rift and will explode onto the terrain once activity is detected. –

Lia: The final humans here managed to alter some physical constants in this region of space. As such, the Creeper flows more slowly than normal. –

Abraxis: With no emitters, our only goal is to collect the Tech Artifacts and the Shield Key. I'll get to that… –

Lia: Yes, but Skars… don't underestimate this Creeper. The Tech Artifacts here are for a Siphon and a Terp. The siphon will let you extract resources from Resource Packs. –

Lia: Even after all these eons, there are still some Energy Packs on this world. Build siphons on them as soon as possible to access their energy. –

Lia: The Terp will allow you to terraform the land. I recommend you repair the damage to the walls of the old ruins. That will keep the Creeper at bay while you build up offensive strength. –

Lia: Once you build a Terp, the Terraform Section of your Command Interface will appear. Just click that button and paint the terrain in a few places to raise or lower it. Any nearby Terps will then go to work. –

Abraxis: Alright, Lia. Let's get this done. –

Abraxis: That's a strange formation around the emitter on this world. –

Lia: Yes, emitters arrived in ever more insidious ways. Dropping from orbit, appearing directly out of Rift Space, subspace slips… –

Abraxis: But why… Lia, in all the eons that have passed have you learned nothing about the Loki's true purpose? Why do they cover all worlds in Creeper? –

Lia: Humans made three attempts to contact the Loki, only one was successful. There was one age, one civilization that was different from all others that came before or after. They called themselves simply the “Seloi”. –

Lia: The Seloi's greatness wasn't in their military might, their governance of a hundred thousand worlds, or the lasting peace they achieved. Their greatness was in the 'serenity' of existence they achieved. –

Lia: They referred to this with a word not in your vocabulary, but what they achieved was an understanding and appreciation of the very fabric of existence. In many ways they discovered the 'meaning' of existence. –

Abraxis: And the Seloi were the ones to contact the Loki? –

Lia: Yes. When the end came for them as it did all others, they sent a message to the Loki pleading not for their lives but for something else. Something they referred to simply as the “Arc”. –

Abraxis: What was the “Arc” and what was the Loki's response? –

Lia: What the Arc referenced is unknown. Perhaps it was a late discovery of some technology by these humans, or perhaps it was a very closely guarded secret. I have no other references to it. –

Abraxis: And the Loki's response? –

Lia: A single statement; “More so than all others, YOU must perish”. –

Abraxis: (Sigh)…. –

Lia: Skars, this world contains two extinct volcanoes. Emitters have taken up residence in each one . I suggest you pick up the Strafer Tech Artifact on this world. –

Abraxis: I got it… The Strafers are aircraft and I can use them to suppress the volcanoes while I deal with the central emitter. –

Lia: Exactly. You will likely need to target two Strafers on each volcano. Don't waste any time… those volcanoes won't wait. –

Abraxis: What in Odin's name…. –

Lia: This used to be 'Flick', a world that supported a population of over 10 billion. It was torn apart by a collision… a big one. Something that the planetary shield couldn't stop. –

Lia: Like all the worlds in this system, this world wasn't even born when you were last awake. This entire system developed, lived, and died while you slept. –

Abraxis: There appears to only be one emitter left on one of the larger asteroids, along with an intact Shield Key and a new Tech Artifact. –

Lia: Look more carefully, Skars. This emitter has deployed Subspace-Slip Emitters. These aren't true emitters, but are channels in subspace that the Master Emitter uses to dispense Creeper. –

Lia: This allows the emitter to deposit Creeper in different locations all at once. The civilization that first encountered this adaptation were crushed in less than one standard earth year. –

Abraxis: Can these Slip-Emitters be destroyed with Nullifiers? –

Lia: In a word, “No”. There is nothing to destroy. They are just rips in subspace that the Master Emitter uses to transport Creeper. The only way to seal them is to destroy the Master Emitter. –

Lia: The best you can do is to establish a foothold on surrounding asteroids, then deploy weapons and AntiCreeper to hold the Slip-Emitters at bay. –

Lia: The Bomber Tech Artifact should prove useful. These air/space craft can deliver AC remotely.

Abraxis: Yes… I'll saturate these asteroids with AC. Then, we'll get out of here. There is nothing left here but death and destruction.

Lia: I was afraid of this. I had hoped it had all been deactivated… –

Abraxis: What now? –

Lia: This is Tiplix, a machine world. It was engineered by the Ticon Empire as a defensive outpost. –

Abraxis: The 'Ticon Empire'? One of the many human civilizations that arose? –

Lia: Yes, they were but one civilization, but they developed in a very militaristic way. They developed massive weapon systems. Entire planets were turned into weapons. –

Lia: Their conflict with the Creeper lasted centuries, longer than any other civilization. But the costs were unthinkable. And in the end, they failed like all the others. –

Lia: The Ticons developed a weapon system they believed would destroy the Creeper once and for all. It was an artificial, self-replicating structure that derived its sustenance from Emitters. It was believed this would 'immunize' worlds from Emitters. –

Abraxis: And did it work? –

Lia: For a while, and to a measure. It worked until the emitters were somehow changed. The emitters adapted to the parasite and turned this weapon, which the Ticon called “Digitalis”, into an asset. Emitters no longer appeared to lose any viability when surrounded by Digitalis.

Abraxis: How did the Ticon people cope? –

Lia: They didn't. The Digitalis had allowed them to survive the Creeper for decades, but in one moment it became their undoing. Once the emitters adapted, the Digitalis no longer destroyed them. Instead it would grow and protect the emitters. –

Abraxis: And it appears as if this Digitalis still exists…

Lia: With regret, it seems so. Skars, the Digitalis is a brutish and simple enemy. It spreads along predefined pathways. But, those paths don't respect terrain elevation. Digitalis is tough, very tough, and your weapons will have difficulty damaging it. –

Lia: What is worse is that The Digitalis replicates rapidly and will fill in destroyed areas with great efficiency. Your best strategy is to try to cut it off from its source. Digitalis requires a connection to an emitter to thrive. If you sever that connection, it will cease to grow and eventually wither. –

Lia: Digitalis also conducts Creeper rapidly and with no loss. So beware of this as it can move Creeper over higher terrain.

Abraxis: If it conducts Creeper, then I suppose Anti-Creeper is also conducted by it? –

Lia: Indeed. Anti-Creeper is conducted as well. Anti-Creeper also slows the regeneration of Digitalis, so use that to your advantage when possible. –

Abraxis: I see there is a Tech Artifact on this world. It appears it will allow the control of a second Command Node… –

Lia: This will be indispensable on this mission, Skars. Collect that tech artifact, then land a second Command Node. This will allow a two front approach and you may be able to take out the emitters that are sourcing the Digitalis. –

Message Artifact Text

Lia: This is most unusual, Skars. Message Artifacts almost never survive contact with the Creeper. This one seems strangely immune. It's almost as if the Creeper intentionally does not destroy certain objects.

Abraxis: What message does it contain?

Lia: I will require some time to process the contents, it isn't exactly encrypted but it isn't in any recognized format either. I should have it processed by the time we reach the next star system…


Skarsgard Abraxis
Any luck cracking the format on that Message Artifact form Tiplex?

Yes, it appears to be a text from one of the civilizations that followed the Seloi.

As you recall, the Seloi were the only civilization to ever contact the Loki and get a response.

The message is a transcript between two researchers who devoted their careers to studying the Seloi.

The researchers believed the Seloi made a discovery regarding the intent of the Loki. Unfortunately, the message contains not further details or descriptions.

Skarsgard Abraxis
I see perhaps it was just some random data storage device that survived Creeper. It seems as random as our purpose now….

Skarsgard Abraxis
Lia, did Platius give you no instructions… no hint of my purpose? Did he save me just so I could witness the destruction of all things? Was this some form of cruel and unthinkable punishment?

Skarsgard Abraxis
Everyone I ever loved has been gone for billions of years. Even their memories have been erased and crushed by the Creeper….

Not entirely, Skars. You are here and you still remember them.

Skarsgard Abraxis
True…. Ha… the trouble Dax and Varro got into. With Aliana always trying to talk some sense into Dax. Those were good times, Lia. I wish you could have met them all.

[Scanning System…]

Skarsgard Abraxis
I suppose that is prudent. let me know what your scans show….


Skars, this system, contains five worlds, four of which are shielded. The shield keys for these worlds appear to all be in this system, so that is some bit of good news.

Skarsgard Abraxis
What's the bad news…

Some of these worlds are likely to be very hazardous. Energy signature indicate the potential for more than just simple emitters…

Skarsgard Abraxis
Well, with great challenge come the potential for great reward. Perhaps these worlds will also hold clues as to our purpose.

Egos : Lemal

Skarsgard Abraxis
A Ticon outpost?

You are quickly coming to recognize worlds… good. This world was used by the Ticon Empire, but it appears to be more than a simple outpost.

Skarsgard Abraxis
There is a large structure in the south east and what look like old Totems in the north west? Totems?

Yes, Totems from your age. Your people used Totems to open rifts into Rift-Space. But, Rift-Space was long ago destroyed, and the Ticons had a hand in that.

Totems were built by the Ticon people to produce Aether. Aether is formed from the remanants of Rift-Space, so Totems are able to extract it.

Skarsgard Abraxis
That large structure, do you recognize it? How does it relate to the Totems?

It appear to be a Ticon Forge. I've scanned the schematics so will need some to fully process them. But, take control of that structure and we should be able to upgrade various capabilities.

The Forge will require Aether, so secure and supply energy to those Totems once you secure the Forge.

Skarsgard Abraxis
Upgrade? Weapons, production, packet speed, things like that I hope…?

Precisely things like that. I'll need time to bring all of the systems on-line Skars. So you will have limited upgrades on this world, but what I am able to bring on-line should prove useful.

Skarsgard Abraxis
I don't see much of great difficulty here, just a couple emitters around the Forge and the Totems. I should be able to rush in without issue.

There is a Ticon structure in that base area to the north east. be very cautious, some of the things they experimented with were very dangerous. If that structure is still active, it may defend itself.

It has also been compromised by the Creeper, so whatever it originally did it's a saef bet it does something that benefits the Creeper now.

Skarsgard Abraxis
Alright Lia, I'll proceed with caution and secure this world.

Egos : Ruine

Another Shattered world. The last I heard from this world, it was a thriving new colony. There is likely little here of interest.

Skarsgard Abraxis
Don't be so hasty… your Gel circuits must need recalibrating. I see a Message Artifact and a Tech Artifact on the scanners.

Yes…. yes… you are correct. Not sure why I overlooked those. Perhaps I need to perform Gel maintenance again.

Skarsgard Abraxis
There appears to be an odd anomaly in space. Subspace-slip emitters appear to be floating between the asteroids and space seems warped there!

I have few records of the Creeper ever acting in this fashion. It is possible to warp space this way, but so far from a gravity well… it would require immense energy. The mass energy of entire stars would be required….

I can only recommend that you stay clear of that area. With that much Creeper collapsing into a small region of space, I'm not sure what the results might be.

Skarsgard Abraxis
The Tech Artifact doesn't show any signatures of Ticon or any other civilization we have encountered…. it appears to be rather mundane tech.

The Guppy tech… I have been hoping we would encounter this. Simple as the tech may be, it should prove very useful across these asteroids. Guppies confine and contain packets for remote delivery.

Skarsgard Abraxis
Ahhh… very clever. So we can use them to build structures remotely where our network can't reach. That will allow us to build nullifiers on those small asteroids that have Spore Towers on them.

Speaking of Spore Towers, my circuits are now operating properly and I have reviewed the scans. The wreckage of this world is littered with Spore Towers. You will need to bring Beam defenses on-line rapidly. Collect the Guppy Tech Artifact, and eliminate the spore threat as soon as possible.

I have also managed to enable a few more tech upgrades in the Forge. Use those to your advantage.

Skarsgard Abraxis
I'm glad your circuits are working well again… I hope that whatever spatial anomalies are present in this system aren't affecting you…

[after collecting the message artifact on Ruine]

This is fascinating… This artifact contains and instruction manual for the Guppy, volumes of literature, art, and video from old earth, and a treatise from the 144th C.E. on the prospects of cyclical eternity.

Skarsgard Abraxis
An odd collection of materials? Scan through it all looking for anything unusual.

[Scanning Message Artifact…]


Skarsgard Abraxis
What did you find?

The treatise on cyclical eternity was written during the time of the Seloi, the sole civilization that ever contacted the Loki. The treatise proposes something that is most certainly impossible.

The Seloi were prone to works of great imagination and often developed entire disciplines devoted to the study of theories they knew were false. So this is likely one of their many fanciful creations.

Skarsgard Abraxis
Be that as it may, indulge me with some details.

The treatise proposes that out universe is but one of many… nothing new there, this idea dates back to the 1st C.E. It goes on to argue that it is possible to create a device… something unique and singular to each universe.

Unfortunately, the document stops after that and no more details are available. It looks simply like the message was cut off.

Skarsgard Abraxis
Any hints of where the rest of the message may be?

Nothing. In all likelihood, this was a partial copy and the rest of the treatise is lost forever.

Egos : Choix

This doesn't look good. There is some Ticon tech here, but the structure isn't something they built. This is very unusual.

Skarsgard Abraxis
Lia, there seems to be a pattern in the worlds we are visiting. We know that the Creeper all but destroys everything in its path. something to do with entropy, or so my daughter Aliana once told me. But each world we visit has something of value.

[Scanning World…]

Skarsgard Abraxis
Lia? Something of concern?

Yes…. we have a serious problem on this world. The emitter here is using supspace-slips. But the exit points aren't stable. I have not encountered this before.

Skarsgard Abraxis
Not encountered before? Billions of years of observation and something you have not seen? This can only mean one thing. Something is aware of our presence and adapting.

This is possible, we have been very visible for some time now. If this is the case, then we will be hunted ever more aggressively on each world. This will complicate our exploration…

Skarsgard Abraxis
Focus on the task at hand… there is a Tech Artifact here. It looks like some Ticon tech.

Yes, seems to be shield tech. This may be the only way to survive this world Skars. Shields will repulse Creeper, but require significant amounts of energy.

I have also managed to enable some more upgrades in the Ticon Forge we acquired at Lemal. I recommend constructing a Forge, and upgrading infrastructure as the situation demands.

Skarsgard Abraxis
I'll land a Command Node in the center of the base and focus on defense and energy… lots of it. Let's hope those shields are useful against against these random slip emitters.

Egos : Defi

Skarsgard Abraxis
Organics? This world looks forested?

Chlorophyll is present, but those aren't simple plants on this world. Everything here is a synthetic life form.

Skarsgard Abraxis
More Ticon technology?

Yes, after the ticon developed the Digitalis there were unforeseen consequences. The Digitalis incorporated patterns and technique it picked up from organic life forms it found.

Skarsgard Abraxis
So, what look like plants and green fields are actually mutated versions of the Digitalis?

In a manner of speaking, yes. If that were the end of the story, all would be well… but…

Skarsgard Abraxis
Let me guess, the Digitalis continued to evolve.

Yes, eventually mobile and discrete entities arose long after the Ticon were gone. Subsequent generations would spend thousands of years eradicating these 'Runners'. But they would always return after each civilization was culled.

Skarsgard Abraxis
Scanners show a square structure in that volcano. The Digitalis growth area seems to center around that structure.

That's a Runner nest. Once the Digitalis connects to the nest, Runners will emerge that walk around on the Digitalis like primitive animals.

Skarsgard Abraxis
So the Digitalis not only copied plants but animals as well…. I see, how can we deal with them?

Fortunately, the Runners are not overly aggressive won't destroy your structures. But they have an energy stun weapon they use for self defense. Any unit that gets in range of a Runner might be stunned.

Skarsgard Abraxis
There is a Tech Artifact here…

Not surprising to find this here. The Sniper Tech is specifically designed to take out Runners at significant range. Pick up this tech and use it to create a perimeter around your base and your units. That should keep the Runners at by.

the emitters on this world are very weak, but don't underestimate the Digitalis. Use anything you have at your disposal to fight your way through. Also, more tech level upgrades are available in the Forge.

Egos : Chanson

At last we have arrived at the Warp Inhibitor world in this system.

Skarsgard Abraxis
This world looks like it was engineered for fight…

Indeed it was… There Ticon military tech everywhere. There are even three surviving Bertha Cannons. It is surprising they have not been destroyed.

Bertha Cannons can fire massive projectiles anywhere on the map. There is no better weapon for inflicting huge damage to the Creeper. Their weakness is they significant ammo and have a long fire cycle.

Skarsgard Abraxis
That sounds like something worth fighting for. I'll make it priority to secure them.

Skarsgard Abraxis
Lia, it seems that the Creeper ignores some things. Artifacts, messages, tech, now these Bertha Cannons. What do they have in common?

Nothing intrinsic, perhaps there is something that has been added to each item. I'll conduct careful scans of every item we have collected. It will take some time to complete, however.

Skarsgard Abraxis
Alright, I'll initiate ground actions and secure this world. Looks like some Emitters and some Slip Emitters. These Ticon Towers, perhaps they are inactive?

Parked over space… space that has been carefully carved into a pattern…. it seems unlikely, but perhaps…

Skarsgard Abraxis
Another Ticon weapon system corrupted by the Creeper?

It seems unlikely… but the Ticon developed Gliders that would move through space. The ideas was to hit the Creeper from where it was least likely to persist.

These Gliders had powerful antimatter powered beams. When in range they would combine all of their antimatter with matter and focus the energy into a beam. Unfortunately for the Glider, it would be destroyed in the process.

I have no records that the Ticon or any subsequent civilization ever got the system to work properly and reliably. So, it is unlikely to find them here. But this spatial pattern looks like one of the testing grounds.

Skarsgard Abraxis
If this was a military testing ground and the Creeper has corrupted the Glider Tech, will there be any way to defend against it?

Destruction of the Ticon Towers would prevent the creation of new Gliders. Of course any unit that gets inrange of a Glider will be destroyed. The only weapon in out arsenal that might damage a Glider would be the Sniper.

The focused beam from the Sniper was designed to penetrate the Creeper infused shells of a Runner. That might be enough to penetrate the shields around the Gliders. But this is all theoretical… The Glider weapon system was never actually deployed.

Skarsgard Abraxis
Well Lia, I have a feeling we're about to find out otherwise…

[after collecting the message artifact on Chanson]

Skarsgard Abraxis
It was a hard fight to collect this message, so tell me it isn't just some entertainment vid.

I never would have believed we would find this… but this is the second part of the message we found on Ruine.

Skarsgard Abraxis
The treatise on Cyclical Eternity from the Seloi? I recall that the Seloi were the only civilization to contact the Loki and get a response. They said something anout an “Arc” and the Loki responded with, “More so than all others, You must perish”.

Yes, the Seloi were sepcial in this regard and in many others….

So the first part of the treatise on Cyclical Eternity proposed that it is possible to create a device… something unique and singular to each universe.

But as I said in Ruine, the Seloi were prone to fanciful theories which had little connection to reality.

Skarsgard Abraxis
If that is the case then why do you seem at all interested in the second part of the treatise?

Because the name the Seloi gave to this theoretical device was; “Arc Eternal”.

I'll need more time to process all of this message and hopefully understand it. I suggest heading to the next system as soon as possible.


I've completed the scans of the various artifacts and technologies we have collected so far.

Skarsgard Abraxis
Did you find anything in common? Perhaps something has been added to each item.

Nothing… They are as diverse as any two random objects and contain nothing in common.

Skarsgard Abraxis
Then we have learned nothing….

Not so fast. We know that the Creeper did not destroy these artifacts but it did destroy other artifacts of the same kind. This can only mean one thing.

Skarsgard Abraxis
Ahh… The only thing these artifacts actually have in common is that they were not destroyed by the Creeper. That means…

Yes, that means that the Creeper somehow recognized these specific artifacts and did not destroy them. It didn't destroy them at any point in their existence, which spanned many millions of years in some cases.

Skarsgard Abraxis
So the Creeper has a memory… a memory that spans vast amounts of space and time. It also must rarely act in a selective way. Thos never occurred to me before. I've only ever imagined the Creeper as a random destructive force.

Skarsgard Abraxis
I'm not yet sure what good this knowledge will do us, Lia. But it seems significant that the Creeper is more than just a blunt and crude weapon used by the Loki.

Skarsgard Abraxis
Have you completed your review of the Treatise on the Cyclical Eternity yet?

Not completely, but it looks like utter nonsense. No other civilization posited such a concept as a “universal singleton”, something of which only one could exist. the name 'Arc Eternal', which the Seloi gave to this object, must have had nothing to do with their message to the Loki.

Skarsgard Abraxis
I see… So what do we have in this system?

This system is called “Frykt”. It now contains only three worlds, as the others have vanished. Of the former worlds, one was deorbited into the sun, and three others were deconstructed into material for a failed Dyson sphere.

Skarsgard Abraxis
Only one world is not shielded, so we will head there first.

It would seem so… Skars, if we manage to take out the Inhibitor on Vapen there will be a choice as to the next system in range. I have no idea which path we should take…

Skarsgard Abraxis
We will cross that bridge when we get there Lia. My daughter Aliana always accused me of leaping before looking, so I'll have no trouble choosing a destination.

[Gel maintenance in process]

Skarsgard Abraxis

Frykt : Mistet

I didn't notice that object on the scanners till we got colser… so I've emergency steered the ship to a counter orbir away from the Proto-Magnetar.

Skarsgard Abraxis
That red orb in orbit around this world? It seems to have a massive gravitational and magnetic field.

It's a piece of a left over magnetar… and artificial magnetar at that. It was used in an attempt to construct a Dyson sphere around this system. Which in turn was another failed attempt to hide from the Creeper.

It's effect on the Creeper should be of concern. Creeper is attracted by it's intense gravitational field, so it should flow toward the Magnetar. But the Magnetar is orbiting the world…

Skarsgard Abraxis
So there will be a massive Creeper tide from helheim… that's what you are saying.

Yes, in short that is correct. The good news is that you can use the fully available tech upgrades to help deal with the uncertain situation on the ground.

Also… proximity to the Magnetar has allowed me to enable a special ability on the Forge. Rather than just being used for special upgrades, the forge can now attempt to activate the Totems and open a portal in Rift Space.

But you said Rift Space was destroyed

Indeed it was. But the attempt to open Rift Space will create a temporary opening to a realm of immense gravity. This 'Singularity Weapon' is accessible from the Forge menu. Be cautious, though, it uses immense amount of Aether.

Skarsgard Abraxis
Alright, let's do this….

[after collecting the message artifact on Mistet]

You mentioned 'Varro' in a passing earlier

Skarsgard Abraxis

This Message Artifact appears to have been written by 'Varro Hale' who lived in your time. The message says he was friends with 'Dax Joven' and went on to head the Command Academy on Colony Prime among other miner historical facts.

Skarsgard Abraxis
Yes! Colony Prime… it seems like I just left there Lia… Without Dax and Varro, we would never have rebuilt humanity… nothing came after would have been possible.

That is certainly correct, Skars. If you and the others had failed there would not have been the thousand of civilizations and trillions of lives that followed. They all owe you and the others a debt of gratitude.

Skarsgard Abraxis
Debt? It was all for nothing Lia. NOTHING! Everything is gone.

Skarsgard Abraxis

Skarsgard Abraxis
Anything else in the message recoverable other than Varro's curriculum vitae?

Just one Fragment; It read, “… and without the tutelage, guidance, and guile of Admiral Skarsgard Abraxis, we never would have eventually discovered Aliana's true gifts”.

Skarsgard Abraxis
Aliana's true gifts? What does that mean? Aliana, my daughter???

Skarsgard Abraxis

Skarsgard Abraxis

Frykt : Crosslaw

This world is barely being held together. It's near the end for this world…. geological forces have torn it apart, and disturbances in this system have done the rest.

Skarsgard Abraxis
Yet there are artifacts here…

This world has been uninhabited for over a billion years, so the artifacts must have been dropped here more recently.

There is also another matter of concern here, Skars. I show an Air Exclusion (AE) structure on that hill to the sout west.

Skarsgard Abraxis
Ticon or Seloi technology?

Neither. This technology is actually ancient and comes from the 3rd C.E…. the civilization that came after yours. It was supposed to be a technology to block spores, but…

Skarsgard Abraxis
Let me guess, it didn't block spores for long and the Creeper altered it for its own purposes.

Yes, now it simply blocks your air units. You can't use Strafers or bombers over the area covered by the AE field.

Skarsgard Abraxis
Great… it will take pure ground operations to take that hill then. Are Berthas and mortars affected?

No, they slip in under the field… just barely. So you are only prevented from using Air units under the area covered by the AE field.

Skarsgard Abraxis
Let's grab the artifacts and get out of here before the whole world disintegrates…

[after collecting the message artifact on Crosslaw]

I believe you are familiar with an Alien race known as the Styglek?

Skarsgard Abraxis
Yes, they were a once powerful and noble species that fell to the Creeper and were forced to serve the Loki. A few of them rebelled and those rebels assisted our survival against the second Nexus menace.

I believe “Thrade” was the leader of these rebels?

Skarsgard Abraxis

It would seem taht the rebellion did not progress as originally intended. This Message Artifact references the Styglek, Thrade, and the failed Styglek rebellion to stop the Loki.

Skarsgard Abraxis
When was this message recorded?

It is difficult to date, and very badly damaged, but it seems to have been recorded sometime after the Seloi were long gone. Sometime around the 300th C.E. perhaps.

The message is a historical volume recording the stories of a single Styglek that returned to the then Milky Way galaxy. Most of the message is missing, but apparently one Styglek fled the destruction of their kind and returned with a message.

Skarsgard Abraxis
So the Styglek failed and were exterminated by the Loki Just like all things, they too eventually were destroyed.

It seems more complex that that, Skars. It would appear the Styglek eventually just ended their rebellion on their own accord.

Skarsgard Abraxis
Why, what makes you say that?

The message the Styglek survivor carried to humanity was. “The Arc is everything… everything that ever was or will be. Once you truly comrehend this, you will free your minds from the burdens of resistance. Remember us as the ones who woke up.”

Skarsgard Abraxis
Another reference to the “Arc”….

One that appears to have been lost over time. This message was recorded using a one-time pad as a key… and that kew was included with this message. But, the key aws written onto the message millions of years after the message was originally recorded.

Skarsgard Abraxis
So someone or something kept the decryption key a secret and only included it eons later. And of course the whole thing was on an artifact the Creeper bypassed.

Skarsgard Abraxis
Lia…. we are on the verge of a great realization, I can feel it in my…. That's odd.

Never mind that now Skars, lets get out of here and move on to Vapen and take out the Warp Inhibitor.

Frykt : Vapen


Cliff : Krig


Apex : Meso


Andere : Otrav

Andere : Farbor


Cricket : Arca

Early Completion

Skarsgard Route

Loki Route


cw3/story_text.1708028475.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/02/15 15:21 by Wepium