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~~DISCUSSION~~ <- CRPL reference <- Unit Commands
Arguments | Result | Notation |
Unit UID, Attribute Constant | The resulting value for the attribute | i1 i2 -- n1 |
GetUnitAtrribute allows you to query various attributes on different units.
The constant must be one of the following:
Command | Desc |
CONST_ACPACKETREQUESTDELAY | The delay between AC packet requests for the unit. Only works for CRPLTowers. |
CONST_AMMO | The unit's ammo. Floating point value. |
CONST_AMMOAC | The unit's AntiCreeper ammo. Floating point value. |
CONST_BUILDCOST | How many packets it takes to build the unit. Only works for CRPLTowers. |
CONST_CANREQUESTAMMO | Whether the unit can request Ammo packets. Only works for CRPLTowers. |
CONST_CELLHEIGHT | The width of space that the unit takes. Read/Write for CRPLTowers, read-only for everything else. |
CONST_CELLWIDTH | The width of space that the unit takes. Read/Write for CRPLTowers, read-only for everything else. |
CONST_CONNECTABLE | If the unit can connect to the player's network grid. Only works for CRPLTowers. |
CONST_COORDX | The x coordinate of the unit. |
CONST_COORDY | The y coordinate of the unit. |
CONST_COUNTSFORVICTORY | Whether the CrplTower must be destroyed before map victory on annihilation game modes. Only works for CRPLTowers. |
CONST_CREATEPZ | Whether the CrplTower creates a power zone when destroyed. Only works for CRPLTowers. |
CONST_DESTROYMODE | Effect to play when CrplTower is destroyed. Only works for CRPLTowers. -1 means Default, 0 means none, 1 means flash with no sound, 2 means explosion with sound, 3 means explosion with no sound. |
CONST_DESTROYONDAMAGE | Whether the unit should be destroyed if its health reaches zero due to enemy fire. |
CONST_HEALRATE | The Heal Rate of a unit. 0.001 is the default. This is the amount of health that is added per frame |
CONST_HEALTH | The unit's health. Floating point value. |
CONST_ISBUILDING | If the unit is in build mode (requests build packets). Only settable for CRPLTowers. |
CONST_ISDESTROYED | If the unit is destroyed. Can only be read, not set. |
CONST_ISLANDED | If the unit is landed. Can only be read, not set. Only ever not true for units that can move. |
CONST_MAXAMMO | The unit's max ammo. Floating point value. |
CONST_MAXAMMOAC | The unit's max AntiCreeper ammo. Floating point value. |
CONST_MAXHEALTH | The unit's max health. Floating point value. |
CONST_NULLIFIERDAMAGEAMT | Set the amount of damage that a nullifier does to a unit. The default for nullifierdamageamt is 0. This means that the unit should be destroyed (the normal and default behavior). 0.1, for instance, does 0.1 damage to a unit rather than destroying it. Assuming the unit has a health more than 0.1, this means multiple nullifiers would be required to destroy the unit. Negative values will increase health. |
CONST_NULLIFIERDAMAGES | Whether the CrplTower can be targeted and damaged by Nullifiers. Only works for CRPLTowers. |
CONST_PACKETREQUESTDELAY | The delay between packet requests for the unit. Only works for CRPLTowers. |
CONST_PIXELCOORDX | The X coordinate of the unit on the screen (pixels) |
CONST_PIXELCOORDY | The Y coordinate of the unit on the screen (pixels) |
CONST_REQUESTACPACKETS | If the unit can request AC packets. Only works for CRPLTowers. |
CONST_REQUESTPACKETS | If the unit can request packets. Only works for CRPLTowers. |
CONST_SNIPERTARGET | Whether the CrplTower can be targeted and damaged by Snipers. Only works for CRPLTowers. |
CONST_SUPPORTSDIGITALIS | Whether the CrplTower supports the growth of Digitalis. Does not mean that the unit seeds Digitalis, only that it keeps it alive. Only works for CRPLTowers. |
CONST_TAKEMAPSPACE | Whether the CrplTower consumes space on the map (preventing other units from stacking). Only works for CRPLTowers. |
CONST_THORTARGET | Whether the CrplTower can be targeted and damaged by Thor main cannons. Only works for CRPLTowers. |
# Get the max AC ammo of the current unit. Self CONST_MAXAMMOAC GetUnitAttribute trace
# Show all attributes for a freshly-built CRPL core, or any unit. once ShowTraceLog ClearTraceLog Trace("CONST_ values...") @TraceUnitAttributes(Self) # can pass any unit ID, not just Self. endonce :TraceUnitAttributes ->UnitID Trace2(GetUnitAttribute(<-UnitID CONST_ACPACKETREQUESTDELAY) "ACPACKETREQUESTDELAY") Trace2(GetUnitAttribute(<-UnitID CONST_AMMO) "AMMO") Trace2(GetUnitAttribute(<-UnitID CONST_AMMOAC) "AMMOAC") Trace2(GetUnitAttribute(<-UnitID CONST_BUILDCOST) "BUILDCOST") Trace2(GetUnitAttribute(<-UnitID CONST_CANREQUESTAMMO) "CANREQUESTAMMO") Trace2(GetUnitAttribute(<-UnitID CONST_CELLHEIGHT) "CELLHEIGHT") Trace2(GetUnitAttribute(<-UnitID CONST_CELLWIDTH) "CELLWIDTH") Trace2(GetUnitAttribute(<-UnitID CONST_CONNECTABLE) "CONNECTABLE") Trace2(GetUnitAttribute(<-UnitID CONST_COORDX) "COORDX") Trace2(GetUnitAttribute(<-UnitID CONST_COORDY) "COORDY") Trace2(GetUnitAttribute(<-UnitID CONST_COUNTSFORVICTORY) "COUNTSFORVICTORY") Trace2(GetUnitAttribute(<-UnitID CONST_CREATEPZ) "CREATEPZ") Trace2(GetUnitAttribute(<-UnitID CONST_DESTROYMODE) "DESTROYMODE") Trace2(GetUnitAttribute(<-UnitID CONST_DESTROYONDAMAGE) "DESTROYONDAMAGE") Trace2(GetUnitAttribute(<-UnitID CONST_HEALRATE) "HEALRATE") Trace2(GetUnitAttribute(<-UnitID CONST_HEALTH) "HEALTH") Trace2(GetUnitAttribute(<-UnitID CONST_ISBUILDING) "ISBUILDING") Trace2(GetUnitAttribute(<-UnitID CONST_ISDESTROYED) "ISDESTROYED") Trace2(GetUnitAttribute(<-UnitID CONST_ISLANDED) "ISLANDED") Trace2(GetUnitAttribute(<-UnitID CONST_MAXAMMO) "MAXAMMO") Trace2(GetUnitAttribute(<-UnitID CONST_MAXAMMOAC) "MAXAMMOAC") Trace2(GetUnitAttribute(<-UnitID CONST_MAXHEALTH) "MAXHEALTH") Trace2(GetUnitAttribute(<-UnitID CONST_NULLIFIERDAMAGES) "NULLIFIERDAMAGES") Trace2(GetUnitAttribute(<-UnitID CONST_PACKETREQUESTDELAY) "PACKETREQUESTDELAY") Trace2(GetUnitAttribute(<-UnitID CONST_PIXELCOORDX) "PIXELCOORDX") Trace2(GetUnitAttribute(<-UnitID CONST_PIXELCOORDY) "PIXELCOORDY") Trace2(GetUnitAttribute(<-UnitID CONST_REQUESTACPACKETS) "REQUESTACPACKETS") Trace2(GetUnitAttribute(<-UnitID CONST_REQUESTPACKETS) "REQUESTPACKETS") Trace2(GetUnitAttribute(<-UnitID CONST_SHOWAMMOACBAR) "SHOWAMMOACBAR") Trace2(GetUnitAttribute(<-UnitID CONST_SHOWAMMOBAR) "SHOWAMMOBAR") Trace2(GetUnitAttribute(<-UnitID CONST_SHOWHEALTHBAR) "SHOWHEALTHBAR") Trace2(GetUnitAttribute(<-UnitID CONST_SNIPERTARGET) "SNIPERTARGET") Trace2(GetUnitAttribute(<-UnitID CONST_SUPPORTSDIGITALIS) "SUPPORTSDIGITALIS") Trace2(GetUnitAttribute(<-UnitID CONST_TAKEMAPSPACE) "TAKEMAPSPACE") Trace2(GetUnitAttribute(<-UnitID CONST_THORTARGET) "THORTARGET")