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~~DISCUSSION~~ <- CRPL reference <- Unit Commands


Arguments Result Notation
Effect_Num,X,Y,Z,ScaleX,ScaleY,SpeedNonen1 x1 y1 z1 f1 f2 f3 -


CreateEffect allows you to play one of (currently) 17 in-game animations (explosions, the smoke that flies out when something lands, etc.).

Effects are numbered 0-16. The X,Y,Z coordinates are where to play the effect. They are in world pixel coordinates where (0,0,0) is the lower left of the map. ScaleX and ScaleY can be used to change the size of the effect, with 1 being the normal scale. And Speed is how fast to play the effect 1/30 will play most effects at their normal rate.

Effects are useful for visual flare. For instance when a unit blows up you might want to make a custom explosion.

List of effects:

  • 0: radiation of yellow dots
  • 2: large explosion of white sparks
  • 3: large explosion of blue sparks
  • 4: large fiery explosion, with flying debris
  • 5: large radiation of yellow dots, ending with a vibrating green circle
  • 6: white explosion
  • 7: fiery explosion
  • 8: white implosion (like a unit that the player chose to destroy)
  • 9: small black explosion (like a mortar shell going off)
  • 10: blue electrical radation
  • 11: dust cloud (like a unit landing from orbit)
  • 12: long-lasting bright blue-white light
  • 13: small black southwest-moving dot
  • 14: orange static (like a glider being spawned)
  • 15: small orange torch
  • 16: long-lasting large bright blue-white vortex of light
# Play an effect at the current coords, in front of the current unit.
CreateEffect(14 CellToPixel(CurrentCoords) -1 1.5 1.5 0.05)
crpl/docs/createeffect.1383340988.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/10/01 15:02 (external edit)