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ShowGameMessage(<-messageID <-button0Text <-button1Text <-pauseGame <-messageChannel)


Shows a game message by message key. A game message is a popup message that appears at the top of the screen.
'messageID' is the ADA message ID to show. Create a message using the ADA message editor, and reference it via it's ID.
The 'button0Text' and 'button1Text' are used to show one or two buttons. If you don't want button(s), set them to “”. Otherwise buttons will be shown and the specified text will be on the buttons.
Set 'pauseGame' to true to auto pause the game.
The 'messageChannel' is the name of the message channel to broadcast on when a button is pressed. If a button is shown, a message will be sent when the button is pressed. A variable named '_DATA' will contain either a 0 or 1 to indicate which button was pressed.
In order to allow the player to close the message, a script must be registered for the message channel specified using RegisterforMsg and contain a CloseGameMessage instruction with the parameter set to “True” The scripts need not be the same script.
If a message is already showing, then calling this function will do nothing. If you want to replace the message, you must first call CloseGameMessage if there is already a message showing.
You can use “\\n” to create a line break in the button text.


ShowGameMessage("MyMessage" "Yes" "No" true "GameMessageCallback")
   <-_DATA ->result
   if (<-result eq0)
      print("Button 0 Pressed")
      print("Button 1 Pressed")


4rpl/commands/showgamemessage.1612815502.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/02/08 15:18 by Regallion