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RPLCamTween(<-pos <-rot <-time)


Causes the camera, in rpl mode, to move to pos and rotate to rot (both vector3s) over the specified time in seconds.

:WARNING: Should you be using multiple of these API in succession: be weary that when the elapsed time completes for any use of this API, it will have the camera switch to it. In other words, if you run this API for one case that takes 6 seconds but then run another that takes 4 seconds less than 2 seconds after the first use of the API, the camera will transition to the 2nd use of the API but once the time would of expired for the first use of the API, the camera will proceed to snap into the placement of the 1st use of this API.
A way to avoid this issue is to have every call of this API take at least just as long as the previous call.


RPLCamTween(V3(40 20 30) V3(40 0 0) 0.6)
GetCameraPosition ->cameraPos
GetCameraRotation ->cameraRot
SetRPLCamPosition(<-cameraPos) #So the camera isn't sitting at 0,0,0.
SetRPLCamRotation(<-cameraRot) #So the camera isn't oriented as 0,0,0.
RPLCamTween(V3(40 20 30) V3(40 0 0) 1.5)


4rpl/commands/rplcamtween.1719863086.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/07/01 15:44 by Vertu