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GetObjRotation(<-Unit “ObjName” <-world) ->rotDeg


Returns a vector holding the X,Y,Z angles of a unit's object in degrees. Objects are the sub-parts that make up a unit. If world is false, then local angles are returned, otherwise world angles are returned. Note, use “” (empty string) to indicate the root level object.

:!: Note: Because GetObjRotation returns the value of eulerAngles, some rotations will get represented differently when you set euler angles and then read them back out. Do not expect that the values set by SetObjRotation or the initial values set in the unit settings will come out the same when retrieved with GetObjRotation. For example, a unit that's preset with a rotation of (180, 0, 0) will produce a result of (0, 180, 180) when retrieved with GetObjRotation.


GetObjRotation(self "Arm" false) ->rotDeg


4rpl/commands/getobjrotation.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/14 14:57 by