First tab of the editor

Brush Size

Map Editing

Brush Size

Section 1 in the image allows for changing the brush settings used for painting map elements (e.g. sands, creeper) selected in section 4.


Section 2 in the image will paint whichever feature is selected using the brush settings above.

When one of those four options is selected, the editor painting brush will be activated, and you can click on the level to paint the selected option. Holding SHIFT will instead delete the selected option instead of painting it. Deselecting these options will turn back to the regular gameplay cursor.

If you hold CTRL, and click and hold left mouse button at the starting point, then release the mouse at the end point, you can paint straight lines:
Holding SHIFT at the same time will instead erase the selected option in a straight line.

Field Editor

Section 3 allows you to create fields. Fields can be used to push creeper around in localized areas on top of the global gravity.

To create a field, you must first create a new field container by pressing the Create Field button. This will create a default field container in the middle of the map, and a new UI element will be placed to allow you to edit the properties of the new field.

Inputs 1 and 2 will let you change the size of the field container. Changing the size will delete the fields inside, so make sure you set the proper size first.

You can move the location of the field container by moving your mouse over it, then holding both CTRL and ALT at the same time, then moving your mouse to the desired location. You can paint and erase fields in the field container using the Field option when choosing a brush type. The presence of a field is signified with either an arrow (in case of Vector fields) or a small square (in case of Pin fields).

Button 3 toggles the field container on/off.
Button 4 selects which creeper types are affected by this field (C, AC, Both).
Button 5 sets the field type. When selected, the fields inside this container become Pin type. Pin fields trap creeper in place. When deselected, the fields become Vector type. Vector fields push creeper in a direction, the direction and strength of which can be selected when painting fields with the Field brush.
Button 6 lets you toggle whether or not the field arrows should be visible to the player during gameplay.
Button 7 lets you delete this field container.

Control buttons

Section 4 has some useful buttons for controlling the map.