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=COMMAND abs (number) number
Calculates the absolute value of the item and pushes the result on the stack.
trace(abs(-1)) #prints '1'

Calculates the arccosine of the input
trace(acos(-1)) #prints PI 

=COMMAND add (number number) number
Adds two arguments together and pushes the result on the stack.
trace(add(2 3)) #prints 5

=COMMAND approximately (number number) bool
Takes two floats and returns True if they equal, regardless of floating point jitter. 
<a href="http://docs.unity3d.com/Documentation/ScriptReference/Mathf.Approximately.html"></a>
if (approximately(1.000001 1))
	trace("1.000001 is approximately equal to 1")

=COMMAND asfloat (value) float
Converts an item on the stack to a floating point number and pushes it back onto the stack.
"1.23" asfloat ->val

Calculates the arcsine of the input
trace(asin(1)) #prints PI/2 

=COMMAND asint (value) int
Converts an item on the stack to an integer, and pushes it back to the stack.
"42" asint ->val

Calculates the arctangent of the input.
trace(atan(1)) #prints PI/4 

=COMMAND atan2 (float float) float
Computes and returns the angle of the point y/x in radians. The return value is between positive pi and negative pi. Note that the first parameter to atan2 is always the y coordinate.
trace(atan2(1 2)) #prints '0.463647609'

=COMMAND avg2 (number number) number
Computes the average of two numbers.
trace(avg2(40 44)) #prints '42'

=COMMAND ceil (number) number
Takes one number from the stack, rounds it up, and pushes that number back on the stack.
trace(ceil(4.2)) #prints '5'

Calculates the cosine of the input angle in radians
trace(cos(PI)) #prints '-1'

=COMMAND Deg2Rad number
Pushes the constant to use in converting from degrees to radians to the stack. Multiply this value with a value expressed as degrees to obtain radians.
trace(180 mul(Deg2Rad)) #prints PI

=COMMAND div (number number) number
Divides the two arguments together and pushes the result on the stack.
trace(5 div(4)) #prints '1'. Both arguments are integers so division is integer division
trace(5 div(4.0)) #prints '1.2'. Handled as floating point division
trace(5 div(4 asfloat)) #prints '1.2'. Handled as floating point division

=COMMAND E number
Pushes the value of Euler's number (e) to the stack (2.71828…)
trace(E) #prints 2.71828182845

=COMMAND floor (number) number
Takes one number from the stack, rounds it down, and pushes that number back on the stack.
trace(floor(4.2)) #prints '4'

Pushes the value of PI/2 to the stack.
trace(HALFPI) #prints '1.570796325'

=COMMAND ln (float) float
The natural logarithm. Gives the magnitude of the number. On zero, returns -inf. Below zero, returns NaN, a special value that always causes failure when compared to other numbers. (ie. (NaN<0) -> false, (Nan>=0) -> false)<br/>
other logarithms<br/>
ln(x) = log(x, e)<br/>
ln(x)/ln(10) = log10(x)<br/>
ln(e)=.999999 <br/>
trace(ln(-1)) #prints 'NaN'
trace(ln(0))  #prints '-inf'
trace(ln(1))  #prints '0'
trace(ln(e))  #prints '1'

=COMMAND log (float float) float
Allows the performance of arbitrary based logarithms. See examples. On zero, returns -inf. Below zero, returns NaN, a special value that always causes failure when compared to other numbers. (ie. (NaN<0) -> false, (NaN>=0) -> false)<br/>
other logarithms<br/>
log(x,10) = log10(x)<br/>
log(x,e) = ln(x)
trace(log(2 .5))   #prints '-1'
trace(log(.25 .5)) #prints '2'

=COMMAND log10 (float) float
The base ten logarithm. Gives the number of digits in the number before the decimal point. On zero, returns -inf. Below zero, returns NaN, a special value that always causes failure when compared to other numbers. (ie. (NaN<0) -> false, (NaN>=0) -> false)<br/>
other logarithms<br/>
log10(x) = log(x, 10)<br/>
log10(x)/log10(e) = ln(x)<br/>
trace(log10(1))  # prints '0'
trace(log10(10)) # prints '1'

=COMMAND max (number number) number
Takes two arguments and pushes the greater to the stack.
trace(max(4 5)) #prints '5'

=COMMAND min (number number) number
Takes two arguments and pushes the lesser to the stack.
trace(max(4 5)) #prints '4'

=COMMAND mod (number number) number
Calculates the remainder of the two arguments and pushes the result on the stack.
trace(5 mod (3)) #prints '2'

=COMMAND mul (number number) number
Multiplies the two arguments together and pushes the result on the stack.
trace(2 mul(3)) #prints '6'

=COMMAND neg (number) number
Calculates the negative value of the item and pushes the result on the stack.
trace(neg(42)) #prints '-42'

=COMMAND PI number
Pushes the value of PI to the stack (3.14159265…)
trace(PI) #prints '3.14159265'

=COMMAND pow (number number) number
Pops two arguments from the stack and raises the first the the second and pushes the result to the stack.
trace(2 pow(4)) #prints '16'

Pushes the value of PI/4 to the stack.
trace(HALFPI) #prints '0/7853981625'

=COMMAND Rad2Deg number
Pushes the constant to use in converting radians to degrees onto the stack. Multiply this value with a value expressed in radians to obtain degrees.
trace(PI mul(Rad2Deg)) #prints '180'

=COMMAND round (number int) number
Rounds off a number to the specified number of decimal places.
trace(PI round(2)) #print '3.14'

=COMMAND ShortestAngle (float float) float
Given two angles, calculates the shortest angle between the two. Useful for determining which direction a unit should rotate in order to turn to a given direction. A positive or negative value will be returned in the range of PI to -PI. Negative values indicate clockwise rotation.
trace(ShortestAngle(1.1 2.5))

=COMMAND SignalGenerator(float float float bool int) float
float ARG1: The time (the X coordinate in the waveform)<br/>
float ARG2: Frequency of the waveform<br/>
float ARG3: PhaseShift of the waveform<br/>
bool ARG4: invert the waveform<br/>
int ARG5: Signal Type (0 to 6)<br/>
Computes the value for a given signal waveform and pushes it to the stack.<p/>
0 = NONE<br/>
1 = SINE<br/>
2 = SQUARE<br/>
3 = TRIANGLE<br/>
4 = SAWTOOTH<br/>
5 = RANDOM<br/>
6 = CONSTANT<br/>
SignalGenerator(GetUpdateCount 1.0 div(30) 0 false 3) ->sigValue

=COMMAND sin (float) float
Calculates the sine of the input angle
trace(sin(PI)) #prints 0

=COMMAND sqrt (number) number
Pops an item from the stack and pushes the square root of that number to the stack.
trace(sqrt(9)) #prints '3'

=COMMAND sub (number number) number
Subtracts the two arguments together and pushes the result on the stack.
trace(44 sub(2)) #prints '42'

Pushes the value of TAU (2PI) to the stack (6.2831853…)
trace(TAU) #prints '6.2831853'

Calculates the tangent of the input angle.
trace(tan(PI)) #prints 0

Pushes the value of TAU (2PI) to the stack (6.2831853…)
trace(TWOPI) #prints '6.2831853'
