- displayname (string)
The name that will be shown to the player.
- permanentinventory (bool)
When true, the unit remains in the inventory at an amount of “0” even when all are built.
- buildmenuhide (bool)
When true, this unit will not appear under the map editor's unit tab.
- maxammo (float)
The max energy ammo for the unit.
- ammo (float)
The starting energy ammo for the unit.
- maxcammo (float)
The max anticreeper ammo for the unit.
- cammo (float)
The starting anticreeper ammo for the unit [build 46 and later].
- isportal (bool)
When true, this unit acts as a portal for packets.
- isapex (bool)
When true, this unit acts as an apex ship.
- enemy (bool)
When true, this unit is treated as an enemy (non player) unit.
- collectcost (int)
The cost, in green packets, to collect this unit. When greater than 0, this unit becomes collectable.
- selectable (bool)
Whether or not a unit is selectable by the player.
- movable (bool)
Whether or not a unit can be moved by the player. In this instance, it means dematerialization-based movement (such as player-built ships use).
- movelayer (int)
Used for legality of placement for movable units. When units are in different move layers, they do not collide and can be stacked.
- hasphysics (bool)
When true, the unit is controlled by the physics engine. This means it will collide with sand and other physics-having units, and be affected by gravity.
- moveconstraints (int)
When the unit has physics, this controls the rigid body constraints. The int is treated as a bit field with bit 0 meaning to freeze x-axis motion, bit 1 meaning to freeze y-axis motion, and bit 2 meaning to freeze rotation. As a result:
- gravityscale (float)
The scale at which gravity affects the unit when the unit has physics enabled. 1 is the default.
- rotatemode (int)
How a unit rotates/flips when moving. 0 = NONE, 1 = FLIP, 2 = FOURWAY.
- destroysonhealth (bool)
When true, the unit will auto destroy when the pixel count is too low. The “deadfraction” is the maximum allowed amount of dead pixels.
- deadfraction (float)
A fraction (0 to 1 range) that specifies the maximum dead pixel amount allowed on a unit before it self destructs, when destroyonhealth is true.
- internalhealth (float)
An optional health that can be used to track damage on a unit. Not related to the pixel count. If internalhealth starts greater than 0 and is then damaged down to 0, the unit is destroyed.
- maxinternalhealth (float)
The max optional health.
- internalhealthregen (float)
The regeneration rate of internalhealth per game update (30 updates/sec in normal speed).
- internalhealthdamageovercreeper (float)
The damage that occurs to internalhealth per game update when touching creeper.
- internalhealthdamageoverac (float)
The damage that occurs to internalhealth per game update when touching anticreeper.
- internalhealthdamageoverbot (float)
The damage that occurs to internalhealth per game update when touching a bot.
- enemyignore (bool)
When true, enemy units like phantoms and bots will ignore this unit.
- darkraydamages (bool)
When true, dark rays will damage the unit.
- explosiondamages (bool)
When true, exploding sand will damage the unit.
- nullifiable (bool)
When true, the unit can be nullified.
- riftinhibitor (bool)
When true, the unit acts as a rift inhibitor objective.
- ixecore (bool)
When true, the unit acts as an IXE core objective.
- anchordistance (int)
The cell range to look for an anchor point. When non-zero, the unit will attempt to anchor itself to land in this range. If not found, placement of the unit will be illegal.
- anchoroffset (float)
The distance an anchor will attempt to maintain between the anchor and the anchor cell.
- anchorlostmode (int)
What to do when an anchor cell is lost. 0 = destroy unit, 1 = remove anchor, 2 ignore and keep anchor.
- movepathenabled (bool)
When true, the unit can manage the mouse drawn move paths. Used by the spirit ship, for instance.
- playercandestroy (bool)
When true, the player can order the unit to self-destruct.
- playercontrolbuildsupply (bool)
When true, the player can toggle the build supply for the unit.
- playercontrolammosupply (bool)
When true, the player can toggle the ammo supply for the unit.
- disablecollisions (bool)
When true, a physics controlled unit will not collide with other units.
- autoammo (float)
The amount of ammo the unit regenerates each game frame.
- autocammo (float)
The amount of anticreeper ammo the unit regenerates each game frame.
- ammorequesttime (int)
The time (in game updates) between ammo requests. Default is 6.
- cammorequesttime (int)
The time (in game updates) between ammo requests. Default is 6.
- ammosupply (bool)
When false, the unit won't request ammo or anticreeper ammo. Defaults to true.
- objectivetype (int)
The game objective type for the unit. The types are: 0 = NONE, 1 = IXE_CORE, 2 = INHIBITOR, 3 = ITEM, 4 = EMITTER, 5 = CREEPER, 6 = SPECIAL, 7 = MISSION
- selfpowergeneration (float)
Similar to autoammo, except added in the late game update.
- physicsmaterial (int)
The type of physics 'material' to use. The types are: 0 = NONE, 1 = LOW_FRICTION, 2 = NO_FRICTION.
- destroyalso (string)
The name of another unit type to destroy when this unit is destroyed.
- activateixecoresondestroy (bool)
When true, will activate any inactive ixe cores on the map when this unit is destroyed.
- showinternalhealthbar (bool)
When true, will show a bar for the internal health.
- internalhealthbarpos [float,float]
The position of the internal health bar.
- showundercreeper (bool)
When true, the unit will visually sort behind the creeper.
- sortingorder (int)
The visual sorting order.
- label {“text”:string, “size”:float, “color”:[r,g,b,a], “pos”:[x,y]}
Creates a text label on the unit.