Table of Contents


Creating xRPL scripts

Any text editor can be used to edit xRPL files. However, syntax highlight and auto completion makes coding a lot easier. Support files are provided for several available editors.


Notepad++ is a popular, free, open-source editor.

Notepad++ can be obtained from here:

Make sure you download only from the official Notepad++ website to avoid malware.

By default, Notepad++ has a “reto” look (to put it kindly). The UI for it has not been revamped since inception. For those that prefer, notepad++ has several dark theme, and here is a link to a Material design. Clearly the UI can't be changed, but at least it will be less glaring on the eyes.

Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code can be obtained from here:



Sublime Text

Sublime Text can be obtained from here:

Features include syntax highlighting and auto completion.


Translation Front-end

Forum user Arin112 (Discord: Arin112#8343) wrote a C-lookalike front-end translator that will produce xRPL code as output.

There is a reference to the translator (MplLang) on the forum , and the source code and examples are on Github.

Time permitting, this deserves a more complete treatment and probably a section of it's own.

Miscellaneous Highlighting Schemes

Syntax Highlighting in the Wiki

Dokuwiki uses GeSHi syntax highlighting.

Syntax Highlighting for Discord