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[V-Buildings] VAS - Vertu

The Vertu Artillery Sentry is an ultra-long ranged sentry with two weapons sharing this range: A high rate of fire secondary blaster and a much heavier but slower rate of fire main cannon. The blaster is capable of keeping Creeper at bay, suppressing its advance with its consistent rate of fire while the cannon actively pushes the Creeper back.

The VAS is also heavily armored, the first emplacement within the CW4 universe of the standard Vertu armor, giving the VAS a massive quantity of quantifiable integrity (health). On top of the armored structure, the VAS also has two shields: a box shield and a more traditional spherical shield. The box shield is a displacement field/forcefield which occupies the volume within the shield. This prevents both Creeper and AC from flowing over the VAS while it has shields up. The traditional spherical shield is the actual shield which withstands damage to the VAS, regenerating at a fast rate.

The VAS has a limited energy supply and when starved of energy for too long, its shields will fail, leaving only the hull and armor to keep it standing. The shields must regenerate from 0 upon reactivation.
