The efficiency from UC.V-G.P is a piecewise function of 6 parts, including a case for when at approximately (rounding happened earlier) 0 UC.V-G.P.
Inefficiency when above 0 is a single function from (0,40..) which reduces additional bonus energy from ~9.0 at 0.01 UC.V-G.P to 0.0 at ~8.55 UC.V-G.P aka ~neutral efficiency. At 40 UC.V-G.P the “bonus” energy is ~-9.
When at ~0 UC.V-G.P, there is simply a specific condition that takes the current V-Reactor energy generation and adds a third of it as bonus energy from UC.V-G.P efficiency.
Inefficiency when below 0 UC.V-G.P is 4 functions, each acting like the side of a hill that the next function continues at the bottom of.
From [-2,0) UC.V-G.P, the hill is steep and quickly falls from 9.0 bonus energy at 0.0 UC.V-G.P to ~5.36 at -2.0 UC.V-G.P.
From [-6,-2) UC.V-G.P, the slope of the hill is much smoother than before and possesses ~4.85 bonus energy at -2.0 UC.V-G.P, -3.0 bonus energy at -6.0 UC.V-G.P.
From [-10,-6) UC.V-G.P, ~-2.64 bonus energy at -6.0 UC.V-G.P, ~-10.92 bonus energy at -10.0 UC.V-G.P.
From ([-45,
UC.V-G.P is the final part that will continue to -45
UC.V-G.P at lowest but will be overwritten whenever it's influence causes the V-Reactor to drain more than 50 energy or bypassed if
UC.V-G.P reaches below -45, in which then the V-Reactor will be capped at 50 energy drain and not use the outcome from this final equation or simply bypass it.
The piecewise function is intended to work with the initial variables of the V-Reactor. This however, is completely untested and non-guaranteed. It is very possible that this piecewise function will not work if you change the V-Reactor('s) initial variables but even if this is the case, I am not removing the piecewise function as it was tough enough getting the equation for (0,40] (especially) and [-2,0). It is also possible that I used the wrong initial variables of the V-Reactor in the wrong parts of the piecewise equations.