<- CRPL reference <- Terrain and Wall Commands


Arguments Result Notation
X, Y, min_height, max_height, avoid_occupied, full_cells_only, max_size a list. i1 i2 i3 i4 b1 b2 i5 – l1


Returns a list of packed coordinates in the y*MapWidth+x format that satisfy the following conditions:


MapWidth ->w
#Create a digitalis growth area bomb that conforms to the terrain struck,
#but avoids diagonal walls and puts growth under structures.
CurrentCoords dup2 GetTerrain dup FALSE TRUE 20 FloodFillTerrain ->list
<-list GetListCount 0 do
  #extract the coordinates
  <-list I GetListElement ->a
  <-a <-w mod ->x
  <-a <-w div ->y
  #place the digitalis
  <-x <-y TRUE SetDigitalisGrowth