

GetExactCreeperHeight(<-position.x <-position.z <-ignoreCreeper <-ignoreAC) ->height ->surfaceNormal ->hasCreeper ->hasAC


Gets height of the creeper at a given floating point position. The height factors in the terrain height, and the visual flattening.
The height represents the exact visual height in the world.
The returned surfaceNormal is a vector representing the normal to the creeper triangle at the supplied x,z coordinate.
The returned hasCreeper and hasAC booleans indicate if either was present at the supplied location.
When no creeper or AC is present, the returned height is the exact height of the terrain at the supplied location.
The ignoreCreeper and ignoreAC APIS affect whether creeper or AC is used in determining the resulting height. They do not affect the returned hasCreeper and hasAC values.
Note that AC flattening (a visibility option the player can engage) does NOT affect the returned height.


GetUnitPosition(self) ->pos
GetExactCreeperHeight(<-pos.x <-pos.z false false) ->height ->surfaceNormal ->hasCreeper ->hasAC
