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4RPL supports special syntax for referencing global variables, vectors, lists, and tables.
<-* ->* -?* –* <-!* ->!* -?!* –!*
All of the variable commands can also be used followed by the *
symbol in order to access global variables
instead. Global variables do not belong to one single script, reading or writing to a global variable will
modify the same exact value from any script.
Global variables belong to a map and can be accessed from within different CPACK's. For this reason it is recommended to stick to a unique naming convention to prevent collisions with other CPACK's.
Global variables may have the same names as local variables, there is no interference between them.
One example global variables may be used for is storing values which should always be the same across all units. That way it isn't necessary to send a message to each individual unit.
# --SomeScript-- true ->*disableMyCustomUnits
# --CustomUnit-- if (<-*disableMyCustomUnits) SetUnitDebugText(self "Disabled") else SetUnitDebugText(self "") @Operate endif
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Vectors contain up to 4 fields. These fields can be referenced with a suffix that implies the use of the vector
Simply place the suffix after the variable name for reading or writing. Suffixes are fungible.
V4(1 2 3 4) ->vector traceallsp(<-vector.x <-vector.y) 42 ->vector.2 V3(255 0 0) ->red
A brief note on color values:
Color is represented by 4 values, each of the first 3 the intensity of one of the primary colors (Red, Green and Blue) and the 4th value the Alpha channel. Alpha values indicate transparency or opacity. All of these values are floating-point values ranging from 0 to 1, with higher values truncated to 1.
Combining different values result in any other intermediate color.
Changing the 4th field to a lesser value would increase the transparency, until at 0 it would render the text invisible
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Lists are collections of data. They are similar to arrays but they do not have a fixed length.
They can have items added or removed. The elements in a list can be referenced using specific APIS,
like GetListElement (and other List APIs).
They can also be accessed using square bracket notation [<-index]
, which is a compact way of writing
list-element getters/setters.
can be written on its own and will translate to <-index GetListElementRPL
effectively getting the element at the given index from a list at the top of the stack.
If the item on the stack is no list an error will be printed to the console.
However, if [<-index]
is preceded by a variable setter, ->variable [<-index]
it along with the variable setter will translate to <-variable <-index SetListElementRPL
effectively setting element number “index” of the variable to whichever value is on top of the stack.
If variable is not a list, a warning will be printed to the console.
See also: coerce table to list
Tables are collection of named data. They are sometimes called dictionaries in other languages.
They contain data made up of a string name (the key) and a value. A value can be quickly looked up by its
Data in a table can be referenced with GetTableElement (and other
Table APIs).
Data can also be accessed using curly brace syntax {<-key}
, which is a compact way of writing
table-element getters/setters.
can be written on its own and will translate to <-key GetTableElementRPL
, effectively getting
the element at the given key from a table at the top of the stack. If the item on the stack is not a table,
an error will be printed to the console.
However, if {<-key}
is preceded by a variable setter, ->variable {<-key}
, it along with the
variable setter will translate to <-variable <-key SetTableElementRPL
, effectively setting the value of
that key in the variable to whichever value is on top of the stack. If variable is not a table,
a warning will be printed to the console.
CreateTable ->table 42 ->table{"SomeName"} traceallsp(<-table{"SomeName"})
It is possible to iterate over the elements in a table by coercing the table into a list. The following shows two equivalent methods to extract data from a table. Method Two is slightly more efficient.
#Make sure some units are on the map when testing! "Cannon" V2(0.03 75) "Mortar" V2(0.05 25) "Sniper" V2(0.02 20) Table ->units # method One Do (GetTablecount(<-units) 0) GetUnitsByType (<-units[I] 1) ->unitList <-units{<-units[I]} ->value TraceAllSp ("Found:" GetListCount(<-unitList) <-units[I] <-value ) Loop # method Two GetTableKeys(<-units)->keys Do (Getlistcount(<-keys) 0) <-keys[I] ->k GetUnitsByType (<-k 1) ->unitList <-units{<-k} ->value TraceAllSp ("Found:" GetListCount(<-unitList) <-k <-value ) Loop