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Available in version 1.3 and later.
GetUnitSettings(<-unit) ->unitSettingsTable
Returns a table containing the settings for the specified unit. For certain built-in units, like an emitter, the settings are described in the table below. For these units, the settings are case sensitive. For custom units, the values returned are all defined variables for all attached scripts. If there are multiple scripts, the variables are merged and duplicates will overwrite each other.
In code versions before 4RPL V4 (Game version2.5.0 and higher), Calling GetUnitSettings (Or SetUnitSettings) on a custom unit that does not have a script attached throws an exception and causes the script to terminate at that line. If the unit has a script, it works normally, even if it's completely blank. As such, it would be a safe practice to attach a null script to every decorative unit on a map.
Unit names are case sensitive. The full list of unit names are in Unit Types
Available in version 1.4 and later.
GetUnitSettings(self) ->unitSettings
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