<- [[.:prplreference| PRPL reference]] <- [[.:prplreference#everything_else_2|Everything Else 2]] ===== RANDINT ===== ^Arguments^Result^Notation^ | Number 1, Number 2 | Int | [ i1 i2 - i3 ] | === Description === Returns a random integer from a range of two numbers exclusive of the max number. === Examples === int max = GetIntFromStack(); int min = GetIntFromStack(); stack.Push(new Data(min+amt)); 0 10 RandInt ->Int //Picks a random number between 0 and 10, Inclusive min, Exclusive max // Inclusive min Exclusive max means that 0 10 RandInt CAN [inclusive] pick 0 [min] but cannot [exclusive] pick 10 [max] // A workaround for between 0 and 10 both inclusive is to do 0 11 RandInt, so 11 will exclude but 10 will include [basically, 0 10 1 add RandInt] <-Int trace