** These are old. Don't use them! ** Place all files in Documents/My Games/particlefleet/prpldocs (or your OS appropriate particlefleet/prpldocs directory). prpldocindex.txt contains the list of files (sections in the resulting documentation). Press "shift-d" when on the main menu of the game to compile the docs. PRPLDocs.html will be created in the prpldocs directory after the compile (which happens instantly). [[pf:prpldocs:prpldocindex]] [[pf:prpldocs:Vars and Functions]] [[pf:prpldocs:Comparators]] [[pf:prpldocs:Built in Functions]] [[pf:prpldocs:Logical Operators]] [[pf:prpldocs:Stack Manipulation]] [[pf:prpldocs:Math]] [[pf:prpldocs:Program Flow Control]] [[pf:prpldocs:Timers]] [[pf:prpldocs:Strings]] [[pf:prpldocs:Input]] [[pf:prpldocs:Lists]] [[pf:prpldocs:Ships]] [[pf:prpldocs:Particles]]