~~NOTOC~~ :!: Available in version 53 and later. ====== CreateParticulate ====== CreateParticulate(<-particulateOptionsTable) ===== Description ===== Creates a new particulate particle. \\ The options table may contain: \\ "pos" : V2 : The world position to create the particulate. \\ "lastPos" : V2 : The previous position of particulate. If the same as pos, then the particulate won't initially move. Otherwise, this can be used to determine the initial velocity of hte particulate. \\ "particulateRadius" : float : The size of the particulate. \\ "particulateMass" : float : The mass of the particulate. \\ "particulateHealth" : int : The health of the particulate. \\ "particulateDamage" : int : The damage done by the particulate. \\ "color" : V4 : The color of the particulate. \\ "glow" : V4 : The glow of the particulate. \\ "breederType" : int : The breeder type. \\ "breederDelta" : int : The amount of creeper to make. \\ "breederMax" : int : The max creeper to make. \\ "breederOnTime" : int : The frames that the breeder cycle is on. \\ "breederOffTime" : int : The frames that the breeder cycle is off. \\ ===== Examples =====