<= [[4rpl:start| Index]] \\
<= [[4rpl:start#Flow Control]]
====== while ======
===== Description =====
Beginning of a while loop. The statements between a ‘while’ and a ‘repeat’ should ultimately push a value to the stack that will determine if the loop executes the body of the ‘repeat’ block.
A while loop is a control flow statement that allows code to be executed repeatedly based on a given Boolean condition. The while loop can be thought of as a repeating if statement.
===== Examples =====
5 ->y
while <-y gt(0) #is y greater than zero?
repeat #repeat this section of code
<-y sub(1) ->y #subtract 1 from y so we don't end in infinite loop
# This script increases the max health of the unit over time.
# The script won't be stuck in the loop since it's limited by the unit's
# Health regen rate or "GetUnitHealRate(self)".
while eq(GetUnitHealth(self) GetUnitMaxHealth(self)) #If unit's current health is equal to it's max health...
repeat #...repeat this section of code.
SetUnitMaxHealth(self GetUnitMaxHealth 0.5 add) #Add 0.5 points of max health to the unit
SetUnitDebugText(self Concat("Max Health: " GetUnitMaxHealth(self)) #Visual aid for you to know.