~~NOTOC~~ ====== CreateSandExplosion ====== CreateSandExplosion(<-x <-y <-lowerVelocity <-upperVelocity <-amt <-color0 <-color1 <-age0 <-age1 <-sandDef <-creeper <-ignoreOccupied <-createSandWhenOccupied) ===== Description ===== Creates a sand particle explosion. Does not create sand directly. It creates sand particles that will permute into sand if sandDef is not 255.\\ x: X coordinate of explosion. \\ y: Y coordinate of explosion. \\ lowerVelocity: The minimum speed of a sand particle to create. \\ upperVelocity: The maximum speed of a sand particle to create. \\ amt: The number of sand particles to create. \\ color0: The color of the particles, lerped a random amount with color1. \\ color1: The color of the particles, lerped a random amount with color0. \\ age0: The minimum age for a sand particle to live. \\ age1: The maximum age for a sand particle to live. \\ sandDef: The type of sand to create when a sand particle ends. Set to 255 to not create sand. \\ creeper: The int amount of creeper for the sand particle to carry. \\ ignoreOccupied: If the sand particle should ignore sand occupied cells as it moves. \\ createSandWhenOccupied: If the sand particle should create sand when it hits a cell occipied with sand. \\ ===== Examples =====