====== Thrower ======
{{ unit_thrower.png }}
The Thrower creates particles that spawn creeper on contact with sand. It can be destroyed with a [[Nullifier]].
===== Spoilers =====
The Thrower creates creeper emitting particles and hurls them. Avoid contact with the particles or with the creeper they emit.
"type": "unit",
"enemy": true,
"image": "body.png",
"sortingorder": 2,
"position": [0, 0],
"pivot": [0.5, 0.5],
"isbuilt": true,
"hasphysics": false,
"parts": [],
"scripts": [],
"creeperdamages": false,
"digitalissource": false,
"nullifiable": true,
"playercandestroy": false,
"playercontrolbuildsupply": false,
"playercontrolammosupply": false,
"objectivetype": 4,
"damageheal": 50,
"parts": [
{"part": "$/module_thrower/module_thrower.json", "position": [0, 0], "sortingorder": 2},
"controllers": [
"name": "ondestroy_sandexplosion",
"amt": 500,
"minvelocity": 1.5,
"maxvelocity": 3,
"color0":[0.2, 0.4, 2],
"color1":[0.2, 0.6, 2],
"sandtype": 98,