This page needs to be moved to Particle Ship or Particulator in the near future
====== Part Ship ======
{{ unit_part_ship.png }}
The Part Ship - also known as the Particulate Ship - specializes purely in the destruction of particles. Particles are created by [[particle_emitter|Particle Emitters]] and will damage ships on impact as well as multiply creeper underneath them.
===== Unit Stats =====
* Requires 31.5 Energy to construct.
* Fits in a box of 12 by 10 terrain pixels.
* Equipped with:
* 1x Particulate Gun
===== Unit Usage =====
The creeper multiplying capabilities of particles are a very dangerous threat that should be neutralized quickly. Due to the fairly short range of the Particulate Gun, the Part Ships are best deployed as close to the frontline as possible so they can take care of as much particulate as they can.
===== Spoilers =====
The Particulator is your only defense against particulate. Deploy them to neutralize any particulate that gets near your ships.
Both of the tech modules on Fomalhaut: Turbulence (mission 17) contain 2 Part ships.
"type": "unit",
"displayname": "Part Ship",
"permanentinventory": true,
"image": "body.png",
"position": [0, 0],
"pivot": [0.5, 0.5],
"maxammo": 35,
"movable": true,
"parts": [
{"part": "$/weapon_particulategun/weapon_particulategun.json", "position": [1.5, -3]}
"controllers": [
{"name": "ondestroy_sandexplosion"}