====== Ore Miner ====== {{ unit_ore_miner.png }} The Ore Miner is a unit capable of picking up AC Ore and converting it to anticreeper storage for the Apex Ship. ===== Unit Stats ===== * Requires 20 Energy to construct. * Fits in a box of 8 by 8 terrain pixels. The Ore Miner is capable of picking up AC Ore within a 14 tile radius from its center. The Ore Miner will pick up 1 tile of AC Ore every 3 frames (10 per second) and each tile converts to 1 packet containing 10 anticreeper. ===== Unit Usage ===== The Ore Miner gives access to anticreeper ammo to supply [[maker|Maker]] ships. The Ore Miner requires no ammo to function, so it is effectively free after the 20 energy build cost plus a potential cost of getting access to a supply of AC Ore. The question of when you build an Ore Miner is more a question of your ease of access to AC Ore and how useful anticreeper production would be. Rushing anticreeper can be a good idea on some missions and a terrible idea on others, you will need to use your own judgement when to build your Ore Miner(s). ===== Spoilers ===== The Ore Miner can collect anti-creeper ore. It should be build near anti-creeper ore so that it can harvest it and dispatch it to the Apex Ship. Your first and only Ore Miner is unlocked from the left tech module on Aldebaran: Bizarro (Mission 6). Not Yet Available. \\ {{page>navigation}}