====== Emitter ====== {{ unit_emitter.png }} Emitters periodically throw around a short lived sand called the Creeper Maker, which produces creeper. Emitters can be destroyed with a [[Nullifier]]. ===== Spoilers ===== The Emitter generates creeper-emitting particles. These particles spawn deadly creeper, but they have a half-life and decay over time. Use a Nullifier to destroy an Emitter. { "type": "unit", "enemy": true, "displayname":"Emitter", "image": "body.png", "sortingorder": 2, "position": [0, 0], "pivot": [0.5, 0.5], "isbuilt": true, "hasphysics": true, "parts": [], "scripts": [], "creeperdamages": false, "digitalissource": false, "nullifiable": true, "playercandestroy": false, "playercontrolbuildsupply": false, "playercontrolammosupply": false, "damageheal": 50, "objectivetype": 4, "parts": [ {"part": "$/weapon_emitter/weapon_emitter.json", "position": [0, 0]}, ], "controllers": [ { "name": "ondestroy_sandexplosion", "amt": 500, "minvelocity": 1.5, "maxvelocity": 3, "color0":[0.2, 0.4, 2], "color1":[0.2, 0.6, 2], "sandtype": 98, } ] } \\ {{page>navigation}}