====== Darkling ====== {{ unit_darkling.png }} The Darkling fires a deadly beam that cuts through creeper and [[Bot|bots]], and also deals severe, near-instant damage to most units on contact. Various enemy structures such as [[Emitter|emitters]] can be destroyed, in addition [[IXE Core|IXE Cores]] can also be destroyed this way to help further the mission, and [[Upgrade Gem|Upgrade Gems]] can be collected this way by destroying them. Be careful using the beam as it will tear through your ships. The Darkling requires a high amount of energy to operate and must be manually set to ON using the UI panel in order to fire the beam. The beam position must be set using the [Set Target] button. The beam can be redirected using a [[Dark Echo]]. Point the beam directly at the center of a Dark Echo, and choose the new direction of the beam from the Dark Echo's UI panel. Darkling is similar in function to Creeper World 2's Dark Beam. ===== Spoilers ===== { "type": "unit", "displayname": "Darkling", "permanentinventory": true, "image": "body.png", "position": [ 0, 0 ], "pivot": [ 0.5, 0.5 ], "rotatemode": 0, "rotatewhenflipped": false, "maxammo": 300, "movable": true, "darkraydamages": false, "parts": [ { "part": "tank.json", "position": [ 0, 0 ] }, { "part": "$/weapon_darkray/weapon_darkray.json", "position": [ 0, 0 ] }, ], "controllers": [ { "name": "ondestroy_sandexplosion" } ] } Plus the associated tank.json: { "type": "part", "image": "tank.png", "position": [ 0, 0 ], "pivot": [ 0.5, 0.5 ], "rotatewhenflipped": false, "creeperdamages": false, "controllers": [ { "name": "visualtank" } ] } \\ {{page>navigation}}