====== @!!PAGE@ ====== {{ unit_@FILE@.png }} The @!!PAGE@ is a ship specializing in combat... ===== Unit Stats ===== * Requires ____ Energy to construct. * Fits in a box of ____ by ____ terrain pixels. * Equipped with: * 1x [[cannon|Mark 1 Cannon]] * 1x [[rocket|Mercury Rocket Launcher]] ===== Unit Usage ===== The @!!PAGE@ is a powerful ship with high damage output... ===== Spoilers ===== The Gunship is equipped with a Mark 1 Cannon and a Mercury Rocket Launcher. The Mercury Rocket launcher fires rockets that target the deepest creeper in range and can maneuver around corners to reach it. This rocket launcher proves a cost-effective means of damaging deep creeper. (Story mission that unlocks the unit) (Unit JSON) \\ {{page>navigation}}