====== Bot ====== {{ unit_bot.png }} Bots are produced by [[spawner|Spawners]]. They will try to reach the nearest player ship through the shortest path, and damage it on impact. If they cannot reach any ship, they will roam aimlessly. They can be damaged using [[cannon|Mark 1 Cannons]], [[sentinel_cannon|Sentinel Cannons]] or through being submerged in anticreeper. ===== Spoilers ===== { "type": "unit", "displayname": "Bot", "enemy": true, "position": [0, 0], "pivot": [0.5, 0.5], "sortingorder": 3, "selectable": false, "isbuilt": true, "collider": {"type": "box", "width": 8, "height": 8}, "destroysonhealth": true, "internalhealth": 10, "creeperdamages": false, "image": "botclassic.png", "playercandestroy": false, "playercontrolbuildsupply": false, "playercontrolammosupply": false, "damageheal": 50, "controllers": [ { "name": "bot", }, ] } \\ {{page>navigation}}