This is a quick and lazy cursor magnet, easily switchable from attract to repel. $radius:4 $mult:1 #1 is full push, -1 is full pull GetPointerTerrainCoords ->z ->x do(<-z <-radius + 1 + <-z <-radius -) do(<-x <-radius + 1 + <-x <-radius -) V2(I <-x - J <-z -) ->direction Normalize(<-direction) ->direction <-direction GetCreeper(i j) mul 1000000 mul <-mult mul ->flowVec SetFlow(i j <-flowVec.x <-flowVec.y) loop loop At the default radius of 4, it affects every tile in a 7x7 area centered on the cursor. It pushes or pulls in a straight line from the center, and is full strength all the way to the edge. It's power is based on the amount of creeper, so a mult of 1 is the maximum amount of push, regardless of creeper quantity. It is not extremely performant, so a large radius should be avoided to prevent lag.