<=[[cw4:cpack:Start| Index]] ====== UberWaffe - Impeller_v2 ====== //[[canonical link to CPACK]] - where to get the author-maintained version// Extended functionality version of the Impeller CPACK by Karsten75. [[cw4:cpack:docs:b159312b-3dac-4fd8-ae73-cd96c0f01177|Karsten75 - Impeller]] Includes script to highlight output location (via beam and indicator unit) when selected. Indicators work in editor, so map-makers can check they have it setup correctly without having to unpause or publish the map first. Includes multi-impeller, which is effectively an impeller with multiple outputs (specified as script variable via string. See script for details). {{:cw4:cpack:docs:cpack_impelerv2_01.jpg?400|Example}} Example of a multi-impeller selected in the map editor. Beams and indicators can be seen. On the right, an example of its settings. In this example, the EMITLOCATIONS string is: "104,49;104,24;207,28;226,49" Each output location is defined as a x,z pair separated by a comma (,). With each pair separated by a semi-colon (;). In the example the first coordinate is (x=104,z=49) and the third coordinate is (x=207,z=28). ===== List of Units (CMODS) in this CPACK ===== * [[cw4:cmod:docs:596b042f-ca8d-453c-8f6e-6997cf95d7a3|MultiImpeller]] <=[[cw4:cpack:Start| Index]]