{{ :cw4:cmod:docs:mesh_controls.jpg?nolink&200|}} <=[[cw4:info:start#custom_units| Index]]\\ <=[[cw4:custom| Custom CPACKs & Units]]\\ <=[[cw4:cpack:docs:f3d1b56c-fb68-49a9-909e-54931da7635d| CPACK - VPAC Main]]\\ <=[[cw4:cpack:vpac_wiki_page| VPAC Wiki Page]]\\ [[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=41251.0|VPAC CPACKs download location.]]\\ ====== [VPAC Main] Quick Remove (Mesh Control variant) ====== * Upon selecting the Quick Remove, an interface will popup which allows you to remove mesh in a square area. * You can swap between creating and destroying. This specific mesh control defaults to destroying. * Range is between [0-9], based on how many squares are between the very center and edge of the square area. * Pressing SPACE (or another key of bounded otherwise) to unselect or click the CANCEL ORDER button. [[cw4:info:mesh|Click here if you want to know a little more about Mesh.]]