[[cw2:creeper_world_2|<-Creeper World 2]]
====== The Weekly 5-Map Tournament ======
===== Rules =====
=== Overview ===
Every competitor will have until Sunday evening at midnight (forum time (GMT - 5)) to set the best scores/times for these 5 maps, all linked together by their common theme, so just start playing!
The winner (best total score) gets to pick a new theme and publish the dates to be played before Monday evening at midnight (forum time). This will ensure the winner doesn't have a major advantage and also makes sure that every player has 6 days to participate.
Last weeks winner is also responsible for determining next weeks winner by calculating/checking the total scores.
Each tournament will have its own topic (Created by the winner of the previous week's tournament) where players can post scores and discuss their progress.
* It is not allowed for the same player to submit scores with different names. If done so, both names will be disqualified.
* Winners are calculated by highest total score, however, in the event that two players are tied in their scores, the lowest total time wins.
* When two players have the same total score and the same total time, the amount of individual #1 spots counts, followed by the amount of #2 spots, etc.
* When the tournament has been won by the same player as last week the runner up (#2) will pick the next theme to ensure themes & maps will be picked by different people.
* When this runner up already picked last weeks theme (same top 2 twice), the number three will pick the theme and maps
* When this number three already picked last weeks theme (same top 3 three times), the winner will pick the theme and maps again
- Of course the final results haven't been posted yet, but I'm sure the winner will know he has won by adding and comparing his scores.
- Use [[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=7477.0|Mopa42's Score Viewer]] to get totals & export table. Wiki link: [[Score viewer]] courtesy of Mopa42
- It's a tradition that the winner of a tournament posts screenshots of his solutions for others to learn from. Use the backspace key to create a screenshot; it will automatically be saved in your 'documents\creeperworld2_screens' folder. When posting click 'Additional Options' to be able to attach them.
- When selecting the theme yourself just pick one from the list (see first post of this thread) or think of one yourself. Please make sure it will appeal to a wide variety of players.
- When selecting the codes of maps to be played make sure these maps haven't been played before. I would also check if you're not posting any fools mate maps (maps that can be finished without engaging the creeper at all), (also, no impossible maps (undiggable terrain surrounding an emitter) )
- When entering the name of the new tournament topic, please use this format: "Weekly 5-Map Tournament - [theme title] - closing [date of next Sunday]".
- Use [[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=7477.0|Mopa42's Score Viewer]] when posting all tournament data.
- Please provide a link to this wiki topic, containing the overview of themes, previous tournaments, players rankings and most important: the rules!
- No two maps in a tournament can have the same combination of size/complexity
- if a new tournament is not posted on Monday before midnight (forum time), anyone can create the next week's tournament.
From: [[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=7410.0| Weekly 5-Map Tournament topic on Knuckle Cracker forums]]
===== Current Tournament Maps =====
=== Weekly 5-Map Tournament - Breaking Bad - closing 06 Oct 2013 ===
^ **Map Name:** ^ **Size:** ^ **Complexity:** ^
| Saul Goodman | Small | Medium |
| Walter White Jr. | Medium | Medium |
| Jesse Pinkman | Small | High |
| Hank Schrader | Medium | High |
| Walter White | Large | High |
==== Current Tournament Standings ====
**Results Per Player**\\
^ **Rank** ^ **Name** ^ **Saul Goodman** ^ **Walter White Jr.** ^ **Jesse Pinkman** ^ **Hank Schrader** ^ **Walter White** ^ **Total Score** ^ **Total Time** ^
| **1** | **asmussen** | **12707** | **11543** | 12276 | **10695** | 9498 | **56719** | **46:35** |
| **2** | **Amram** | 12638 | 11266 | 12311 | | **9603** | **45818** | **** |
| **3** | **MizInIA** | 11629 | 10798 | 11413 | | 8046 | **41886** | **** |
| 4 | Anarchy Ape | 12411 | 9860 | 11184 | | 7947 | 41402 | |
| 5 | Cavemaniac | **12753** | **11683** | **12424** | | | 36860 | |
| 6 | dt42 | **12846** | 11534 | **12413** | | | 36793 | |
| 7 | ea3401 | | **11974** | **12636** | **11658** | | 36268 | |
| 8 | inept_celt | 11920 | 10153 | 11674 | | | 33747 | |
| 9 | Atomicfrog | | | | | **10250** | 10250 | |
| 10 | Zaggy | | | | | **9816** | 9816 | |
Scores recorded at 2013-10-04 08:43:47 forum time.
===== Player Standings =====
^Player^ Gold^ Silver^ Bronze^ Points^
|Helper |12 |10 |8 |76 |
|TheSmileyCoder |16 |4 |1 |73 |
|dt42 |5 |16 |16 |68 |
|asmussen |9 |8 |10 |62 |
|mopa42 |7 |11 |7 |57 |
|Wheatmidge |9 |5 |3 |49 |
|ea3401 |9 |1 |0 |38 |
|ctuna |2 |4 |12 |28 |
|Katra |0 |8 |3 |19 |
|zaphod |2 |4 |3 |19 |
|Amram |3 |1 |3 |17 |
|Lord_Farin |1 |4 |2 |14 |
|Martin |1 |4 |2 |14 |
|Fisherck |3 |0 |0 |12 |
|florrat |2 |2 |0 |12 |
|Eketek |2 |1 |0 |10 |
|the master |1 |3 |0 |10 |
|Evil Roc |1 |2 |1 |9 |
|Kava09 |2 |0 |0 |8 |
|Cavemaniac |1 |1 |1 |7 |
|Atomicfrog |0 |1 |4 |6 |
|DethbyIT |1 |0 |2 |6 |
|jlog |1 |0 |2 |6 |
|a |1 |0 |0 |4 |
|J |1 |0 |0 |4 |
|Kithros |1 |0 |0 |4 |
|SmileyCoder |1 |0 |0 |4 |
|Marley |0 |0 |3 |3 |
|Zaggy |0 |1 |1 |3 |
|dhc |0 |1 |0 |2 |
|Gu250 |0 |1 |0 |2 |
|TEST_C |0 |1 |0 |2 |
|WheatMidge |0 |0 |2 |2 |
|alladin |0 |0 |1 |1 |
|Durban |0 |0 |1 |1 |
|hegemontree |0 |0 |1 |1 |
|RichieRich |0 |0 |1 |1 |
|sept1973 |0 |0 |1 |1 |
|Tim |0 |0 |1 |1 |
|Tiuipuv |0 |0 |1 |1 |
|UoADeadeye |0 |0 |1 |1 |
===== Past tournament Maps =====
Here is a list of [[previous tournament maps]], starting with the tournament closing on 11 Feb 2013.
==== Past Tournament Results ====
Weekly tournaments began on July, 7th 2011 and have been a constant feature of the [[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?board=16.0|CW2 Code Missions]] since then.
|< 100% 7% >|
^ Tournament Number ^Theme^Gold^Silver^Bronze^ ^Gold Score^Silver Score^Bronze Score^
| [[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=14062.0|94]] | Popular names | asmussen | Zaggy | Marley | | 59569 | 57492 | 46166 |
| [[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=14014.0|93]] | Subjugated by Technology | a | ea3401 | asmussen | | 59410 | 57803 | 53860 |
| [[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=13974.0|92]] | NFL teams | Eketek | dt42 | asmussen | | 58865 | 58307 | 58282 |
| [[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=13915.0|91]] | Star Trek series | asmussen | ctuna | Zaggy | | 58551 | 58071 | 57677 |
| [[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=13878.0|90]] | Last 5 Themes | asmussen | ctuna | dt42 | | 58802 | 58641 | 58246 |
| [[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=13833.0|89]] | Beer Brands Part I | ea3401 | asmussen | ctuna | | 60237 | 59247 | 59163 |
| [[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=13790.0|88]] | Monty Python Players | ea3401 | asmussen | Martin | | 58592 | 55820 | 44450 |
| [[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=13731.0|87]] | Novel from book series | asmussen | Martin | Marley | | 59356 | 58478 | 57735 |
| [[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=13685.0|86]] | Mystery Writers | dt42 | Martin | ctuna | | 55956 | 55915 | 55591 |
| [[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=13633.0|85]] | Knights of the Round Table | ctuna | Martin | asmussen | | 57516 | 57246 | 57149 |
| [[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=13570.0|84]] | Constellations | asmussen | dt42 | Martin | | 58858 | 58358 | 57480 |
| [[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=13528.0|83]] | Conic Sections | asmussen | dt42 | Marley | | 55387 | 55264 | 53514 |
| [[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=13494.0|82]] | Unsolved Math Problems | asmussen | dt42 | ctuna | | 60270 | 59790 | 59608 |
| [[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=13461.0|81]] | Out of our Solar System | mopa42 | dt42 | asmussen | | 57726 | 56682 | 56086 |
| [[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=13420.0|80]] | Creeper World 3 Blog Entries | mopa42 | dt42 | asmussen | | 59644 | 58340 | 58028 |
| [[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=13387.0|79]] | The Five Food Groups | asmussen | dhc | dt42 | | 56190 | 48522 | 45221 |
| [[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=13352.0|78]] | Fencing Terms | dt42 | asmussen | Tim | | 57689 | 57646 | 55117 |
| [[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=13304.0|77]] | Hitchhiker's Guide | ctuna | dt42 | asmussen | | 60512 | 60351 | 59971 |
| [[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=13260.0|76]] | US States | dt42 | ctuna | asmussen | | 59050 | 58759 | 58685 |
| [[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=13211.0|75]] | Relaxation | ea3401 | asmussen | Atomicfrog | | 62634 | 62183 | 61985 |
|[[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=13177.0|74]]|Color | ea3401 | Eketek | asmussen | | 58844 | 57062 | 54249 |
|[[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=13128.0|73]]|Military Officers of Music | Eketek | Cavemaniac | dt42 | | 58674 | 58550 | 58101 |
|[[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=13086.0|72]]|Deep Space 9 Characters | Amram | asmussen | dt42 | | 59698 | 59651 | 59178 |
|[[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=13026.0|71]]|Blake's 7 Characters | dt42 | asmussen | sept1973 | | 59615 | 58719 | 56709 |
|[[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=13000.0|70]]|Actors who've played Doctor Who | asmussen | dt42 | Atomicfrog | | 59899 | 59201 | 59170 |
|[[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=12964.0|69]]|Supporting Wolfe Characters | Helper | dt42 | Tiuipuv | | 58648 | 58319 | 58221 |
|[[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=12928.0|68]]|Nero Wolfe Characters | Helper | ctuna | Atomicfrog | | 58237 | 58169 | 58154 |
|[[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=12900.0|67]]|Nero Wolfe Novels | Helper | mopa42 | ctuna | | 59532 | 59247 | 58952 |
|[[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=12846.0|66]]|Coda | mopa42 | Helper | dt42 | | 61838 | 61804 | 61147 |
|[[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=12792.0|65]]|Great Mathematicians | mopa42 | Helper | dt42 | | 60112 | 59072 | 58996 |
|[[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=12758.0|64]]|Chill Out, Bro |Helper |Lord_Farin |mopa42 | | 60060| 60011| 59949|
|[[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=12703.0|63]]|Batman Fight Scene Sound Effects |ea3401 |Wheatmidge |Helper | | 57878| 57267| 55555|
|[[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=12653.0|62]]|Experimental Week |ea3401 |asmussen |mopa42 | | 58407| 54929| 44150|
|[[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=12587.0|61]]|Random Code maps that look fun |ea3401 |mopa42 |Helper | | 60203| 59650| 59625|
|[[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=12516.0|60]]|A young woman named Bright |TheSmileyCoder |mopa42 |Helper | | 61363| 61124| 61002|
|[[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=12469.0|59]]|Top 5 Cars of All Time |Helper |asmussen |dt42 | | 58624| 58456| 57739|
|[[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=12431.0|58]]|Classic Rock Bands |Helper |dt42 |Atomicfrog | | 57753| 56999| 56781|
|[[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=12382.0|57]]|More Apocalypses |Wheatmidge |Helper |mopa42 | | 61233| 61056| 56781|
|[[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=12315.0|56]]|Happy new year |Helper |Atomicfrog |asmussen | | 56932| 56234| 54537|
|[[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=12275.0|55]]|Merry Christmas |ea3401 |Gu250 |asmussen | | 59539| 57576| 57442|
|[[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=12209.0|54]]|Some Bond Girls |ea3401 |Helper |dt42 | | 61367| 60942| 60506|
|[[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=12155.0|53]]|Previous themes |florrat |TheSmileyCoder |Helper | | 58693| 58237| 57582|
|[[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=12092.0|52]]|Fun With Names |TheSmileyCoder |florrat |Helper | | 61973| 61971| 61180|
|[[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=12061.0|51]]|Candy |TheSmileyCoder |Helper |dt42 | | 58537| 57023| 56613|
|[[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=12005.0|50]]|Gravity |Wheatmidge |TheSmileyCoder |Helper | | 59652| 59638| 59007|
|[[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=11941.0|49]]|Coming Attractions |TheSmileyCoder |mopa42 |Helper | | 61923| 61453| 61056|
|[[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=11887.0|48]]|US Presidential election 2012 |TheSmileyCoder |Helper |dt42 | | 59588| 58156| 57429|
|[[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=11827.0|47]]|Greek Gods |TheSmileyCoder |Helper |Lord_Farin | | 59196| 58952| 58759|
|[[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=11777.0|46]]|Card Games |TheSmileyCoder |Wheatmidge |dt42 | | 61157| 60011| 59977|
|[[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=11712.0|45]]|Codes |TheSmileyCoder |the master |Wheatmidge | | 58405| 58370| 57711|
|[[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=11646.0|44]]|Doctor Who |TheSmileyCoder |mopa42 |Wheatmidge | | 59619| 59410| 59273|
|[[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=11577.0|43]]|"Big Bang Theory" (Wimmens) |TheSmileyCoder |Helper |mopa42 | | 60044| 59847| 59819|
|[[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=11521.0|42]]|Famous Competitions |TheSmileyCoder |Helper |mopa42 | | 60725| 60153| 60014|
|[[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=11474.0|41]]|Animal Group Names |TheSmileyCoder |Wheatmidge |mopa42 | | 60101| 60020| 59955|
|[[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=11424.0|40]]|Star Trek, the original |Helper |mopa42 |TheSmileyCoder | | 59004| 58856| 58571|
|[[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=11382.0|39]]|Moments in Computer History |Helper |Lord_Farin |ctuna | | 56339| 56102| 54324|
|[[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=11297.0|38]]|The Best Of The Best |TheSmileyCoder |Helper |ctuna | | 22821| 22012| 10950|
|[[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=11225.0|37]]|5 Fastest Production Cars |Helper |dt42 |ctuna | | 59608| 58329| 57967|
|[[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=11182.0|36]]|Kingdom Hearts |Helper |dt42 |ctuna | | 58971| 58697| 58277|
|[[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=11137.0|35]]|Semper Fidelis |Wheatmidge |dt42 |Helper | | 58346| 57762| 57231|
|[[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=11104.0|34]]|Beautiful girl of the Whedonverse |Helper |Martin |ctuna | | 56299| 54710| 53242|
|[[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=11066.0|33]]|Stages of the Big Bang |Martin |the master |dt42 | | 58214| 58202| 57573|
|[[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=10977.0|32]]|Expensive Paintings |the master |dt42 |Katra | | 58422| 56623| 55654|
|[[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=10860.0|31]]|Famous Addresses |Fisherck |the master |Cavemaniac | | 59779| 59734| 59543|
|[[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=10810.0|30]]|Blake's Poems |Cavemaniac |Katra |UoADeadeye | | 59332| 56989| 54276|
|[[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=10735.0|29]]|Cool Elements |Wheatmidge |dt42 |ctuna | | 56961| 56813| 55809|
|[[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=10687.0|28]]|Planets |dt42 |Katra |zaphod | | 42179| 40565| 32627|
|[[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=10645.0|27]]|Bloons in btd5 |Wheatmidge |zaphod |dt42 | | 59514| 58448| 57213|
|[[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=10597.0|26]]|Character Classes in Diablo 3 |J |Wheatmidge |dt42 | | 57632| 57574| 57366|
|[[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=10527.0|25]]|Characters from Discworld Novels |Wheatmidge |dt42 |Katra | | 59995| 59581| 59315|
|[[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=10462.0|24]]|My Recent Music Findings |Kava09 |zaphod |WheatMidge | | 61855| 61585| 61399|
|[[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=10418.0|23]]|Extinct Languages |Kava09 |zaphod |WheatMidge | | 60322| 59971| 59679|
|[[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=10374.0|22]]|Dragonlance |mopa42 |Amram |Katra | | 56257| 54729| 54614|
|[[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=10325.0|21]]|R.A. Salvatore's Novels |Wheatmidge |mopa42 |Amram | | 56298| 56278| 55840|
|[[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=10264.0|20]]|CW2 Anagrams |Amram |Wheatmidge |zaphod | | 59015| 58897| 58538|
|[[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=10192.0|19]]|Elements |mopa42 |Katra |dt42 | | 55565| 53437| 52754|
|[[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=10129.0|18]]|Ancient Quotes |Wheatmidge |mopa42 |Amram | | 55607| 55570| 54665|
|[[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=10065.0|17]]|Characters of Final Fantasy |Amram |Katra |dt42 | | 58625| 58444| 58116|
|[[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=9987.0|16]]|Well Known Figures of Taiwan |Wheatmidge |mopa42 |Amram | | 57446| 56827| 54642|
|[[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=9943.0|15]]|Internet Browsers |SmileyCoder |TEST_C |Wheatmidge | | 59823| 58085| 56576|
|[[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=9848.0|14]]|Stephen King Books |TheSmileyCoder |Katra |zaphod | | 59154| 58333| 58119|
|[[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=9771.0|13]]|Obscure Metal Bands |zaphod |TheSmileyCoder |DethbyIT | | 56843| 56729| 56577|
|[[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=9691.0|12]]|Ships From Alien Movies |Lord_Farin |zaphod |Durban | | 58574| 57986| 57602|
|[[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=9536.0|11]]|Ancient Ones |zaphod |TheSmileyCoder |DethbyIT | | 57865| 57670| 56480|
|[[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=9445.0|10]]|Scifi Series |TheSmileyCoder |Lord_Farin |ctuna | | 58031| 57010| 52224|
|[[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=9171.0|9]]|Authors |TheSmileyCoder |mopa42 |Lord_Farin | | 60964| 60899| 59560|
|[[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=8966.0|8]]|Months |DethbyIT |Katra |ctuna | | 56414| 55397| 45177|
|[[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=7856.0|7]]|A.I.s |mopa42 |Katra |hegemontree | | 57300| 56383| 21768|
|[[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=7665.0|6]]|Movies with Arnold Schwarzenegger |jlog |Katra |RichieRich | | 60330| 58368| 46189|
|[[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=7587.0|5]]|World Record Running Times |Evil Roc |Lord_Farin |jlog | | 60417| 59773| 59403|
|[[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=7552.0|4]]|2011 IMO winners|Fisherck |florrat |Evil Roc | | 63125| 63040| 62691|
|[[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=7501.0|3]]|Highest Mountains |florrat |Evil Roc |jlog | | 58881| 58223| 57826|
|[[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=7476.0|2]]|Palindrones |Fisherck |mopa42 |alladin | | 58949| 57781| 57738|
|[[http://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=7411.0|1]]|Units |Kithros |Evil Roc |mopa42 | | 59477| 58975| 57514|