- [[crpl:crplreference| CRPL reference]] <- [[crpl:crplreference#lists|Lists]]
===== AppendStackToList =====
| Value1, Value2, ... Valuen, List |None| ''n1 n2 ... n... L1 -- '' |
Inserts all items on the stack at the end of L1. The top item on the stack is added first, effectively reversing the order of the items.
=== Description ===
#appends the contents of the stack to the end of list01
"Hello" "Creeper" "World" <-list01 AppendStackToList
#This is equivalent to:
# <-list01 "World" AppendToList
# <-list01 "Creeper" AppendToList
# <-list01 "Hello" AppendToList
Sample ''list01'':\\
0 - foo\\
1 - bar
Sample ''list01'' after AppendStackToList command:\\
0 - foo\\
1 - bar\\
2 - World\\
3 - Creeper\\
4 - Hello