<= [[cw4:4rpl_tools|Tools & Utilities]] Syntax highlighting for Notepad++.Make sure you download only from the official Notepad++ website to avoid malware. https://notepad-plus-plus.org/ Additional versions can be found here: [[https://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=35740.0|https://knucklecracker.com/forums/index.php?topic=35740.0]] This highlights everything grouped under: * Arithmetic, Comparators, Logic, math, and Vectors in red; * Numbers and Constants in pink; * Flow Control in teal; * Debugging and Output in bold; * Stack and concat# in brown * Methods in a lighter brown * variables in blue, with $: being bold and $$: being bold underline * strings in grey * comments in green, italic 00# 01 02 03 04 ( [ { , ) ] } if while once do switch case else repeat endif endwhile endonce loop endswitch endcase notpersist if else endif while repeat endwhile break do loop i j k once endonce refcall return <- <-* <-! <-!* -> ->* ->! ->!* -? -?* -?! -?!* -- --* --! --!* @ debug debugallsp trace traceall traceallsp trace2 trace3 trace4 trace5 tracestack cleartracelog gettimestring dq cr lf tab print printall printallsp print2 print3 print4 print5 printstack setunitdebugtext add + sub - mul * div / mod % mod2 gt > gte >= lt < lte <= eq == neq != gt0 gte0 lt0 lte0 eq0 neq0 and && or || xor not ! randint randfloat asint asfloat abs round neg sign sign0 clamp clamp01 sin cos tan asin acos atan atan2 signalgenerator ballisticarclateral ballisticarcpos pow ^ sqrt log ln log10 min max floor ceil approximately avg2 distancecell distance shortestangle vectoranglecell vectorangle rotatetowards rotatetowardscell distancepointline movetowards dot cross v2 v3 v4 ev2 ev3 ev4 tocell fromcell magnitude sqrmagnitude normalize : dup dup2 swap pop clearstack stacksize copy deepcopy concat concat3 concat4 pi twopi tau halfpi quarterpi threequarterpi threehalvespi e rad2deg deg2rad vector0 true false 00" 01 02" 03$$ 04 05: 06$ 07 08: 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23