~~NOTOC~~ <=[[4rpl:start| Index]] \\ <=[[4rpl:start#creeper| Creeper]] ====== DamageCreeper ====== DamageCreeper(<-cellX <-cellZ <-maxNumCells <-radius <-amt <-followTerrain) ===== Description ===== Damages creeper at a map cell.\\ The maxNumCells argument limits the total number of cells that can be damaged.\\ The radius specifies the range outwards from the start cell that will be damaged.\\ The amt is how much damage to do to each cell.\\ The followTerrain argument is a boolean that limits destruction to terrain height at or lower than the starting cell. ===== Examples ===== DamageCreeper(42 23 1000 10 3 false) <=[[4rpl:start| Index]]