<=[[4rpl:start| Index]] ====== Unit Types ====== Notes: * [[Unit_types#titan_units|Titan Units]] are a special case. * Many of these Unit Types have an API to allow inspection or setting some values: [[getunitsettings|UnitSettings]] * There exists Sub-Units. These are units created by a "parent" unit and possess an empty String (**""**) for their Unit Type. Sub-Units can be easily detected by the [[4rpl:commands:getunits|GetUnits]] API. ===== Unit Types ===== * "acbomberpad" * "airsac" * "airsacbubble" * "airsaccauldron" * "beacon" * "blob" * "blobnest" * "bomberpad" * "cannon" * "collectorpanel3" * "collectorpanel5" * "conversion" [(Creating this spawns the corresponding Orbital Strike)] * "crazonium" * "crystal" * "damper" [(#1)] * "darktower" * "egg" * "emitter" * "ern" * "ernportal" * "factory" * "forb" * "greenarmother" * "greenarrefinery" * "holdbase" * "infocache" * "inhibitor"[(Internal name for "delegate")] * "microrift" * "miner" * "missilelauncher" * "monolith" * "mortar" * "nullifier" * "platform" * "pod" * "porter" * "pterosaur" * "pylon" * "rain" [(#1)] * "resourceblue" * "resourcered" * "rocketpad" * "runway" * "shield" * "shrapnel" * "singularity" [(#1)] * "skimmer" * "skimmerfactory" * "sniper" * "spore" * "sporelauncher" * "sprayer" * "stash" * "terp" * "totem" * "tower" * "ultrac" * "wall" ===== Sub-Units (Official names) ===== Not all vanilla units have a unit type. All the units mentioned here have an empty String (**""**) for their Unit Type and are created as (figuratively) child units but are still a unique unit with a detectable UID.\\ To search for these units, you must use [[4rpl:commands:getunitofficialname|GetUnitOfficialName]] * "ACBomber" * "Rocket" * "Bomber" (Same as the official name of the bomberpad) * "DeliveryDrone" * "GreenarDrone" * "TerpDrone" All sub units below here are not impervious and are never built (count as under construction). * "Shot(Clone)" {Cannon projectile} * "MortarShot(Clone)" {Mortar projectile} * "ACShot(Clone)" {Sparyer projectile} * "Missile(Clone)" {Missile launcher projectile} * "Bomb(Clone)" {Bomber projectile} * "ACBomb(Clone)" {AC-Bomber projectile} **Note:** The created crystals of the Greenar Mother (known as Xstals) are not Sub-Units of the Greenar Mother. They do not have a UID or at least, don't increase it. It is possible they internally share the UID of the Greenar Mother that created them.\\ Without a UID, they are undetectable with current API's, making the greenar refinery special and currently impossible to recreate within a CPACK. ===== Custom Units ===== Each custom unit (CMOD) has a GUID that can be used when a `unit type` is required. The GUID is available in the CPACK editor and will not change unless the unit is "branched" to a new CPACK. (Reusing the same CPACK in multiple maps will NOT change the GUID.) ===== Titan Units ===== The Titan units are a special case of Custom units and have to be retrieved by their CMOD GUID Airship: ca8dfbe4-a3ca-4223-b8c4-070de8877b26 \\ Bertha: b2d47782-ebe0-4508-ace3-6ae4503b62fc \\ Sweeper: c5b44bd0-1518-4091-9f15-36c919bc37c7 \\ ===== Core Units ===== Rift Lab: [[4rpl:commands:getriftlab|GetRiftLab]]\\ Factory: [[4rpl:commands:getfactory|GetFactory]]\\ ERN Portal: [[4rpl:commands:geternportal|GetERNPortal]] :!: Sub-Units can easily be detected by the [[4rpl:commands:getunits|GetUnits]] API unwantedly and using the API [[4rpl:commands:getunittype|GetUnitType]] to identify the detected UID's within the returned list will return an empty String upon identifying a Sub-Unit, which can be quite unhelpful (though it can still be used to identify if the UID is any Sub-Unit). The API [[4rpl:commands:getunitofficialname|GetUnitOfficialName]] is only way to identify a specific Sub-Unit using a unit UID. <=[[4rpl:start| Index]]