~~NOTOC~~ <=[[4rpl:start| Index]] ====== ShowUIIndicator ====== ShowUIIndicator(<-indicatorName <-controlName) ===== Description ===== Shows a pulsing UI indicator over the specified control. Used to draw attention to something in the UI. This function must be called repeatedly in order to keep the indicator on the screen. A UI indicator will disappear automatically within 1 frame, so there is no reason to 'close'. Just stop calling ShowUIIndicator and the indicator will disappear.\\ The 'indicatorName' should be a unique string for the indicator that is created. When multiple different indicators are shown at the same time, a differernt indicatorName should be used for each.\\ :NOTE: The UI indicator's animation time is 20 frames.\\ The 'controlName' is a string that specifies where in the UI to show the indicator. Values are: * buildbutton0 * buildbutton1 * buildbutton2 * buildbutton3 * buildbutton4 * buildbutton5 * buildbutton6 * buildtab0 * buildtab1 * buildtab2 * buildtab3 * buildtab4 * adaclosebutton * cancelbutton * resetcambutton * pausebutton * pausebuttontop * departbutton * rematerializeButton * minerenergytoggle * minerbluitetoggle * visiblebutton * terraformbutton ===== Examples ===== ShowUIIndicator("Indicator0" "buildbutton0") <=[[4rpl:start| Index]]