~~NOTOC~~ <=[[4rpl:start| Index]] :!: Available in version 2.2 and later. ====== SetUnitModRanges ====== SetUnitModRanges(<-unit <-ernRangeUpgrade <-portalRangeUpgrade) ===== Description ===== Sets modifiers for a unit's range. The ernRangeUpgrade effects how much of a boost an ERN makes when docked with a unit. The portalRangeUpgrade affects how much of a boost the range upgrade at the ERN portal makes. The ernRangeUpgrade (ERU) and portalRangeUpgrade (PRU) add to the unit's actual range in the following way: \\ RANGE = BASE_RANGE * (1 + ERU) * (1 + PRU * Current_Portal_Range_Efficiency) The Current_Portal_Range_Efficiency ranges from 0 to 1 based on the Range Upgrade upgrade at the ERN portal. ===== Examples ===== SetUnitModRanges(self 0.8 0.2) <=[[4rpl:start| Index]]