~~NOTOC~~ <=[[4rpl:start| Index]] ====== SetObjLightConeVisible ====== SetObjLightConeVisible(<-Unit "ObjName" <-visible) ===== Description ===== Sets light cone visibility of a unit's object. Objects are the sub-parts that make up a unit. A light cone is a volumetric light (like the light that circles at the top of the Rift Lab). It is used for visual effects typically. The light cone will always point in the direction of the object, so rotate the object to change the way the light cone points. Use of an 'empty' object (no mesh) on the unit can be useful when you want the light cone to rotate or move without moving visible geometry on the unit. Note, use "" (empty string) to indicate the root level object. ===== Examples ===== SetObjLightConeVisible(self "Light0" true) <=[[4rpl:start| Index]]