~~NOTOC~~ <=[[4rpl:start| Index]] \\ <=[[4rpl:start#creeper| Creeper]] * [[4rpl:commands:GetFlow|Get]] * [[4rpl:commands:SetFlow|Set]] ====== SetFlow ====== SetFlow(<-cellX <-cellZ <-flowX <-flowZ) ===== Description ===== Sets the wave flow vector for a given map location. Perfectly still creeper that isn't flowing will have a {0,0} flow vector. Once creeper starts to flow, the flow vector will store the amount of creper that moved in or out of the cell on the last game update frame. So creeper flowing only towards the right of the map, would return a positive flowX and a zero flowZ. Note that flow values in integer creeper values. A value of 1000000 (1 million) represents an amount of "1" creeper on the map. Flow values can be useful for finding/setting waves. ===== Examples ===== #Stop all wave/flow at a given spot on the map SetFlow(42 23 0 0) <=[[4rpl:start| Index]]