~~NOTOC~~ <=[[4rpl:start| Index]] \\ <=[[4rpl:start#mverse| MVerse]] :!: Available in version 1.9 and later. ====== SendMVerseMsg ====== SendMVerseMsg(<-channel <-data) ===== Description ===== Similar to [[SendMsg]], except the message is sent to other clients in an mverse session. Note that the message will NOT be sent to client doing the sending. It is only sent to other clients. The data can be any 4rpl data type, including a list or a table. Care should be taken to not call SendMVerseMsg more than necessary or with more data than necessary since the call sends a message across the network to all clients. ===== Examples ===== CreateTable ->table "Larry" ->table{"name"} 42 ->table{"value"} SendMVerseMsg("NetMessage" <-table) See [[RegisterForMsg]] <=[[4rpl:start| Index]]