~~NOTOC~~ <=[[4rpl:start| Index]] ====== RPLCamTweenLookAt ====== RPLCamTweenLookAt(<-pos <-lookatPos <-time) ===== Description ===== Causes the camera, in rpl mode, to move to pos and lookat the lookatPos (both vector3s) over the specified time in seconds. ===== Examples ===== RPLCamTweenLookAt(V3(40 20 30) V3(40 0 60) 0.6) RPLCamCopyPosAndRot #So when RPLCam is activated, we say the current camera is how the RPL cam should start as. SetRPLCam(true) RPLCamTweenLookAt(V3(40 20 30) V3(40 0 60) 5.0) #Have the RPLCam move to this position and look downwards, facing North. <=[[4rpl:start| Index]]